Ch. 27

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Chunk whacked me upside the head as he entered the room and set his bag down. If I had the energy I'd tackle him and put him in a headlock until he begged for mercy but right now I didn't care much to fight with him. 

"When's the last time you took a shower, man?" Chunk asked, looking me over with a disgusted face. It was the first day of break and all I had done was sit up in our gaming room in the library and binge watch Netflix shows. 

"I came up here for peace and quiet, neither of which are your forte, so leave," I grumbled, sinking back into the couch that I hadn't moved from in twelve hours. I didn't feel like doing anything. I hadn't heard from her. Still. Not one damn word. 

"Well you'll be so happy to hear the rest of the gang is on their way up here too then," Chunk looked amused and as if on cue the door swung open and in walked an extremely loud Squid, followed by Jayden, Jase, Dylan and Charlie. Great. Just great. 

"You look like a zombie," Dylan muttered but I ignored him while they all found their own spots and Squid started shuffling through his bag. 

"Guys I finally got it! Look at this gem!" Squid held out the old Nintendo 64 console for all of us to look at. I hadn't seen one of those since I was probably ten years old, when my cousins and I used to play it all the time, "I even bought Mario Kart for us to enjoy over break! Who's first?" 

After a moment of arguing, since there were only two controllers available, Chunk and Squid were the first to battle it out on the old game. Charlie had sat down next to me and I could tell he was unusually absorbed in his phone. One of the twins had also managed to get a twelve pack of beer and Jayden passed each of us a cold can. 

"So anyone have funs plans for break?" Jayden asked, getting settled back into his spot and watching the match. Mostly everyone said no, besides the usual going home for a few days to see family, no one had anything exciting planned. 

"I'm heading up to my parents cabin for New Years," Charlie admitted, a smug look on his face. His parents cabin was awesome, we used to go there all the time to go snowboarding with his family, although it had been a few years since we'd been able to do that. 

"Just you and your parents?" It wasn't out of the ordinary for Charlie and his parents to go up to the cabin for the weekend , but usually I always had an invite to tag along. I wonder why it was different this year...especially since we hadn't spent much time together lately. 

"Nope, just me. I get the cabin all to myself for the weekend and I can't wait," A twinge of jealousy made it's way to my chest as well as hurt. Why wouldn't he want his best friend there to help him ring in the New Year like they had so many years before? 

"Oh, one sec, I gotta take this," Charlie jumped up quickly, ringing phone in his hand and sprinted from the room. None of the guys seemed to pay attention to what Charlie had said or if they had they didn't think anything of it. Why would he be going all the way up there alone for New Year though? I knew he had wanted to be alone more and more lately but that just didn't seem right. 

"Guys, I think we should surprise Charlie up at his cabin for New Year," I suddenly blurted out, finally getting everyone's attention. Chunk had even paused the game and gave me his undivided attention. Charlie didn't deserve to spend the holiday alone, even if he was trying to sound excited about it, I knew he would actually hate being alone up there. 

"Hell I'm in, got nothing better to do anyway," Squid shrugged his shoulders, "Only if Jackie can come too though," 

"I don't see why that would be an issue, we like her more than you anyway," Jase muttered and Squid threw a pillow in his direction, which he easily blocked. 

"What if he doesn't want us up there, though?" Jayden asked, always thinking about the 'what if's'. 

"Yeah, he seemed pretty content about being alone," Dylan also chimed in. 

"Why would anyone want to spend New Years Eve alone at a cabin? He's probably just not wanting us to see he's actually bummed about it. Come on guys, we'll grab a ton of beer, surprised Charlie and have a great weekend bringing in the New Year together on the mountain for our Senior year," 

The others looked at each other for a moment and then all at once agreed to the plan. It was set, we were going to have a great time together. It would be the perfect chance to get my mind off of Sadie too. 

"I'll only go if you take a shower first though, seriously," Chunk teased and now I was the one to throw a pillow in his direction. Everyone else laughed and settled back in to watch the rest of Chunk and Squid's race. 

"Okay, sorry about that. What did I miss?" Charlie asked, sitting back down next to me. 

"Nothing really, other than me totally kicking Chunk's ass," Squid called out in his best battle cry as Chunk successfully overpowered him and took first place in the end. All of us couldn't help but laugh while Squid sulked and passed off the controller to Dylan who would play Chunk next. 

Now I finally had something to look forward to for New Years Eve and not spending it with my parents. Here's to hoping I could get Sadie off of my mind, but for some reason I don't think this would even do the trick. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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