Chapter 11

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This feeling. What is it. It feels unrestless but calm at the same time. Tingling and itching my insides. This need to just kill myself. This hurried but patient feeling to just end it. I'm not sad or depressed right now. I just really want to kill myself. What is this what is this. Its strange  so strange. I've never felt this before. Normally it would be feeling sad and wanting to kill myself. But this is different. I just want to do it, no sadness just this calmness and agitation to get it over and done with. Like it will actually happen. Like the end of me will happen. Its scraping my insides, like it wants to be released. Get it over and done with. Quickly quickly do it. It just needs to happen.

What is this. The more I feel it, the more I think about it, it's making me go crazy.

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