Chapter 3: Francis where did you go?

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Get ready for life and get your tissues (Not for nosebleeds) #DontHateMeBecauseIAlreadyHateMyselfForDoingThis ~That1Weaboo

Francis woke up with wires going everywhere, EVERYWHERE!  He shifted himself up but instantly knew not to move because he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Francis heard the door open then a clash of what sounded like flowers and chocolates. "Francis!" Arthur shouted as he ran over to Francis. Francis' heart started to race as he heard Arthur but he couldn't see him. "Doctor! Help! Someone nurse!" Francis heard him shout. Francis felt cold hands grab his. Things started to get blurry as he faded out into unconsciousness.

'Francis...' Arthur thought as he looked down at the ground. 'You left me to fend for myself...stupid wanker.' Tears streamed down his face. He had no one anymore. Everyone was married and Arthur was left alone. Francis had died because of a fatal wound in the chest. They thought that he would make it but he didn't because they had found poison in his blood stream and they instantly traced it to the bullet that they extracted from Francis' body. "Francis..where did you go?...What did you want to tell me?...Why didn't i tell you about my feelings" Arthur whispered as the rain washed the dirt making it muddy. It had been months since Francis' passing but Arthur still couldn't get over it. 'Who did it! Why couldn't it have been me?' Arthur dropped to his knees. "Arthur, come on it'll be ok. Just move on, maybe to someone closer to you." Arthur felt a hand grab his left shoulder. He looked up at Alfred, tears fading away with the rain. "I can't, i never told him..." Alfred looked at Alfred with anger then slapped him. "You should have never told him took him in the first place. Maybe go to someone a little closer to you." Alfred picked up Arthur and started to walk away to the closest coffee shop. Arthur sighed "I'm going to find out who kill Francis and i'll kill them, no matter what!" Alfred nearly dropped Arthur and gasped "Arthur! No don't! Why would you even think that!" Alfred had gotten a towel and some other stuff to dry Arthur up and they went home.

~Random Blurriness ~

After "months and months" of tracing all the puzzles Arthur came to a conclusion. Alfred had killed Francis. Shocked with sadness and anger, Arthur went to Alfred's bedroom and confronted him. "Alfred! Were you the one wh-" Alfred came up from behind Arthur and wrapped his arms around Arthur. "Shh...don't speak, you'll wake up Matthew." Arthur wriggled free of Alfred and shouted. "DID YOU KILL FRANCIS?!" "Yes..." Alfred stood there, with his glory out for everyone to see. "Gah! PUT IT AWAY" Arthur shielded his eyes but then felt a sharp pain in his head. "OW!" Arthur said, the pain went away but then came back with an even sharper pain.

~Random Blurriness goes away~

Arthur sat up in, waiting for his focus to clear. "Wha-, wher?" Arthur looked to his right and saw a long blond haired man. "You done sleeping Arthur? It seemed like a really bad dream." Arthur looked up and a huge smile formed as he reached over to give Francis a hug. "Oh Francis, i had a dream were you died and Alfred had killed you!" "Oh, that is a bad dream" Francis said hugging Arthur. "Where?" Arthur questioned. "Hospital" Francis replied as he laughed. "I'll be out soon though so that's a plus right?" Arthur looked at Francis with complete shock. "How long have i been out, YES THAT GREAT!" Arthur laughed again. "I never got to finish what i was going to say" Francis said now blushing. "Oh continue then." "Well, i just wanted to say that i-" The nurse came in saying that Arthur was past visiting hours and that he had to leave. "Oh ok..." Arthur sighed then looked at Francis. Francis mouthed, "Later" as Arthur walked out. Arthur felt a flutter in his chest as he left the hospital. Francis was ok and Alfred wasn't a person trying to kill someone...or was he?

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