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Ok here is for those horrid people who said no...

Francis stood there waiting patiently...he sighed as the sun began to set on the east side. 'Of course...' He looked out, tears forming, and he tried to smile. 'He would have never loved me anyway...' Francis glared at the building as the group of people flooded out, Ivan, Alfred, Wao,....Arthur...but wait...Francis squinted his eyes, 'Matthew!' He thought. Matthew ran toward him, hugging him tightly, tears ran down his face. "F-Francis!" He whispered, his voice fragile and breaking. "P-please don't leave me! I-i need you, you're my only b-brother!" He choked on his words. "You have Alfred...your real brother, and Arthur....i'm not needed..." Francis petted Matthew's head gently, shushing him, telling him not to cry. "Alfred may be my real brother but he doesn't feel like one...You're the only person who really cares for me..." Matthew sniffles, Francis chuckled softly, "Are you trying to tell me something Matthew?" Matthew began to turn red, as he buried himself in Francis' disappearing chest. "Fr-Francis...." "Its ok Matthew...i know..." Francis disappeared with a smile on his face but also a tear that ran down his cheek.

"I love you" Matthew whispered.
The wind blew in agreement.
"Come get me"


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