The End

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Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this story and the ending(s)!!! >^< i really enjoyed writing it (even though half the time i didn't do anything) i just wanted to say that maybe you want me to write a sequel to the story since it lands on somewhat of a cliff hanger in a weird way...but idk its up to you guys C: And also Like Idk i might get a Red Velvet Pancake one-shot/story up (you can pick if you want a one-shot or story) which is a little all over the place in the beginning but it will pick up (if you guys want a story...)
(btw Red Velvet Pancakes is
2pCanadax1pCanada...if you don't know what 2p Canada is look it up)
He is super hot ~^~ also 2pMurica is hawt too

Well thats it for this story! Write ya later!

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