Chapter 4: Who tried to kill Francis?

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Hi! Well as you can kind of tell from the title and that last chapter....we will find out this killer. Man its super hard to think of a person that isn't to obvious. well i guess you'll have to find out. Happy reading! ~That1Weaboo

Arthur twiddled with his thumbs as be sat at the hospital door way. Arthur couldn't help but worry about Francis. Francis and Arthur have always been best friend's since the 1st grade and they always said they would stick with each other till the end. Arthur and Francis in the 12th grade both moved to different countries...Francis moved to France and Arthur to England. They forgot about each other for such a long time until, they moved back to America. It really never occurred to either of them that they we best friend's until recently, but it was to late, feelings for Francis had over come Arthur and he already didn't care about friendship. He didn't care about Francis and Alfred dating in the past...he only wanted Francis. The glass slide door opened and Francis slowly walked out. "Francis..." Arthur got up and hugged him. Francis hugged back "Arthur...can we talk?" "Yea but lets get you home first" Arthur took Francis to the car and drove to Francis' home.

"Arthur i-" Francis spoke. "I uh...just wanted to um..." Francis stuttered, he looked at the floor. 'Come on just do it! Why can't i do it....I did it to all those other girls why not now.' Francis thought. Arthur stared at Francis for only a little bit before his face became really red. Arthur didn't know what to say all he did was hug him. "I love you too Francis" Arthur whispered as he hugged Francis tightly. Francis on the other hand was completely shocked. "A-Arthur...I..." Francis hadn't felt this way since...her...

~Time skip leleelelelel~

Arthur stared at his board. Pictures of his friends and enemies where spewed everywhere, things that might lead to him finding out who the person was who tried to kill Francis. Many people where suspects but Arthur crossed out most of them. Three suspects remain, Ivan, Lovino and....his own brother....Alfred. Arthur didn't want Alfred to be the culprit but he was one of the only people who would try to kill Francis. He hates Francis anyway because of their break up, Lovino has always hated Francis with a burning passion and Ivan because he was probably jealous that Arthur was going on a date with someone. None the less Arthur put on his favorite green coat and fixed his tie then left his house.

First person: Lovino

Arthur pulled up to Lovino's home and pulled out his little pad to write stuff down. Arthur knocked on Lovino's door and awkwardly stood there waiting. Just as Arthur went to knock on the door again, the door swung open. A girl stood there for a second, she had a blanket covering her body and her hair was a mess. "I ah..." Arthur said looking up. The girl stared for a second then yelled out "LOVI! SOME WEIRD GUY IS HERE FOR YOU!" She invited Arthur in and to sit down as she sprinted up the stairs. Arthur then sat there for quite some time before he heard trudging come down the stairs. A different girl came downstairs and said "Mr. Vargas is busy right now and has asked you to please come again later today" She seemed pretty nice, she bowed politely. "Oh um ok, Please tell him that i will be coming back Thank you" Arthur said as he walked out. "Weird..." Arthur continued to walk to his car but then he heard yelling. " Non posso credere che hai risposto la porta! Ora pensa qualcosa è in su! Grazie, è possibile lasciare bye" Arthur could tell that was Lovino but tried to ignore it as he drove off

Well sorry for a short chapter. Ill try to make it longer but its really hard, scusate (sorry)
{Non posso credere che hai risposto la porta! Ora pensa qualcosa è in su! Grazie, è possibile lasciare}

{I can not believe you answered the door ! Now he thinks something is up! Thank you, you can leave }

Lel sorry, can you guess who the culprit is?!!??

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