Chapter 5: CULPRIT IS.....................!!!!!!!

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Ello! Im soooooooooooo sorry for not updating!! MY LAPTOP BROKE ;-;-;-;-;-;-;-; Im using my computer right now. i cant believe this story has 100 reads! YAY! X^X Ok now time for what you came here for! ~That1Weaboo

'Next up, Ivan...' Arthur thought as he pulled up to the small apartment. He sighed, this was the first time he had seen Ivan in weeks....Arthur walked up the stairs, his arms and legs were become jelly each step he took. He was so scared, what if Ivan tried to kill him?! Arthur knock on the door, he looked up at the door number to make sure it was right, 12-30...Yep. Ivan opened the door, a blast of vodka smacked Arthur in the face. Ivan stared at Arthur, his eyes and nose red. "A-arthur! Wh-what do you want?" He spoke gruffly, not in his normal sweet voice. "I-I just wanted to talk ab-" Arthur started to talk but Ivan grabbed Arthur into a hug. "I-i-i miss you" Ivan cried. Arthur was in complete shock. He didn't know what to say, he lightly patted Ivan's back. Ivan cried, "please....Arthur please come back to me! I need you! I don't love anyone else! I don't know how much longer i can stand without you!" Arthur sigh. "I'm sorry Ivan...i have moved on and so should you..." Ivan cried harder." ARTHUR PLEASE! PLEASE I HAVEN'T MOVED ON! I NEED YOU! I HAVEN'T LEFT MY ROOM SINCE WE BROKE UP PLEASE COME BACK FOR MEEE!" He squeezed Arthur, almost to where he couldn't breath. "I-van, i c-ant breath!" Ivan squeezed harder. He stopped crying, his voice became lower and distant, he whispered. "If I can't have one can..." He grabbed Arthur by the neck and began to choke him. "I-van! s-top!" Arthur gasped as he tried to pry Ivan's hands away from his neck. Arthur soon started to fad away, everything was become a blur as he fell to the floor. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Arthur heard someone scream. "FUCK YOU! GO TO HELL! YOUR THE ONE THAT STOLE HIM FROM ME!" Ivan shouted. A slam of a door was heard as Arthur blacked out.


Arthur woke up, facing two blond men. One was Francis the other was...Alfred?! Arthur sat up quickly, as he went to speak, he wheezed. "Shh...Arthur don't try and talk..." Francis said worryingly. Alfred looked pale and scared. 'I WANT TO SPEAK TO MY BROTHER!!!' Arthur thought. Francis also looked pale and worried, he hugged Arthur. "Why would you go to Ivan's apartment without having someone come with you! You know you can't be alone with Ivan, especially since you two just broke up recently! I cant leave you alone again, I will be going everywhere with you from now on...I don't care if you don't want to...I will be here for you" Francis said, gently hugging Arthur. Nodding his head in agreement, Arthur stared at Alfred. Alfred didn't look his stupid happy self. 'Whats going on with him' Arthur leaned for Alfred to hug him but he flinched back. 'huh?...' "I-i'm sorry...I have to go...I uh, have to go meet Kiku..." Alfred sighed nervously, then quickly getting up and rushing off. ~GOTTA GO FAST! Im sorry ;~;~ Francis picked up Arthur, bridal style, carrying Arthur to his car. "Alfred drove me here to I guess I'm leaving with you...Do you mind if I drive? I want you to sleep for a little bit."  Francis chuckled and smiled at Arthur, making his heart skip a beat. Arthur nodded his head, blushing slightly. Francis put Arthur in the passengers seat, removing his jacket and covering Arthur in it. "Dors bien mon amour." He chuckled again, starting the car and driving off. Arthur closed his eyes, resting. 'Ivan is no doubt, NOT the killer. He said he was in his apartment for weeks since we broke would he have time to kill Francis when he was mourning around...'


Arthur gasped as he sat up. "Francis!" Arthur managed before he had a coughing fit. Francis flipped back in his chair. "Yes! I'm here Arthur!" he shouted. Arthur looked around for a moment still in a shocked state as he rushed to sit up. "H-how long was i out?!" Francis only chuckled, "only for at least an hour. We just got home when i put you on the couch. I was gunna put you into bed but..." He looked off for a moment then smiled back, "but i wanted to be near you incase something happened." Before Arthur could say anything there was a loud bang at the door. Since Arthur was drowsy, there was only a flash. Next thing he knew, he was being dragged away with Francis behind him, his head drooping as if he was asleep. Arthur looked up to see who was carrying him.............Antonio?!? Arthur was blown away for a moment but quickly regained himself. "Toni!? W-what are you doing?!" Antonio growled. "You have to address me as Spain for now, a certain friend of mine is in war with France over there." Arthur choked. "W-what?! W-who?!?" Toni sighed. "Romano...." Arthur gasped then looked back at Francis. Francis was in a pale state, he winced once in a while and let out a slight gasp of air. "I thought it was finally over France..." Arthur fumbled out, he hated seeing Francis in pain, he was on the verge of tears. "I was going to tell you....really i was....but...." He shrieked in pain, "i know how hate...knowing im in pain...." Toni giggled. "I remember when Romano where insufferable..." He placed Arthur down, who instantly ran to Francis' side. "Of course now we went our ways....even though...i still cant remove him from my heart...." Toni looked up at the sky then turned to Arthur and Francis, "now come on you two, we have a war to win!" He said in that cheery voice of his, as he disappeared into the tall building. 'A war...' Arthur sighed as he help Francis inside. 'A war...'

Hi...well this is awkward....sory for not well...posting... X-x woops

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