Willow's Backstory

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  Willow's POV

Hi, my name is Willow. I'm 15 years old. There is something very weird about me that I haven't told anyone. It's really crazy and I haven't told anyone yet.

I have superpowers.

I can turn invisible and shapeshift into any form.

I know, this sounds crazy and silly and weird, but it's true. It's changed my life so much in the span of a few weeks.
I think I know how it happened but it was kinda of a blur. It kinda freaks me out, just thinking about it. I think I know what to do with them yet. I didn't want them but here I am with superpowers. Let me try to remember.....

3 weeks ago
Still Willow's POV

I had just arrived to my new home in Swellview, since I had moved from Rivalton. We had just finished unpacking our stuff. And after a whole day of unpacking, we were all ready for movie night. But we forgot one thing: SNACKS.

"Hey, Willy. Can you get us snacks? We apparently forgot about them." , my dad says with a baritone chuckle.

I was already too tired to get up walk to the gas station for snacks, but I nodded anyways because I always love our movie nights.

I put on a graphic baggy tee that had spiderman, spandex shorts, and a jacket, since it was kinda chilly outside. It was only a 10 minute walk from my house.

While walking over to the gas station, I saw a blimp and some people that looked like Kid Danger and Captain Man. I kinda thought nothing of it since they are really good crime fighters and kept walking.

When I arrived, I got some Doritos, Cheeto Puffs and Frittles ( just for me since my dad doesn't like them), and with some Wahoo Punch.

I had secured the chips and the punch when I heard screaming and thuds in Planes-a-Plenty not far from me. I walked into the building and hid behind a box and took a peek. Turns out, there were four kids and a caveman, just fighting with each and seemingly trying to get a cannon looking weapon to work. Everyone is kinda chaotic until the weapon near them exploded and some colored waves went all the place. I felt something in me change. But didn't think anything would happen. Until I was walking back home.

I was about to arrive home but then some guy with a ski mask was coming at me.

"GIVE ME YOUR MONEY!" He was yelling at me, running to me.

I got super scared and stood in the middle of the sidewalk. Then I felt a woosh feeling all over my body.

Then the guy looked puzzled.

"Hey, come back here!" He yelled very loudly. That's weird. I waved in front of his face, but he didn't even flinch once.

"Oh shoot, did I die?" I started to overreact and cry because I am kinda a crybaby. But soon, I came to the realization that I had the ability to become invisible. But to be sure, I slapped myself because I thought it was a lie. IT WASN'T. It was true.

It took me a bit to find a way to reappear.

I finally opened the door that led me to my house. Thank God. But while I was happy I got home safe, my dad wasn't happy I took 45 minutes to get home.

"Willow, where were you?" He had some anger in his tone and gave me a horrible look.

I really want to tell my dad, but mostly, I don't want to say  " SOME WEAPON EXPLODED AND IT GAVE ME SUPERPOWERS!" I had to lie but I couldn't think of one. But finally, the perfect one came

"I got lost on the way back home.", I said in an unsure voice. My dad gave me some really deathly death glares and was silent for a moment. Fortunately, he believed it. 

"You wanna start movie night now?" My dad already had set out our table with popcorn, the chips and Wahoo Punch.

I was still kinda confused about my newfound powers, so I made up another lie. Jeez, why do I keep lying?

"I just need to go to the bathroom really quickly."

Then I ran as fast as I can. I kept slapping myself and telling myself that this is just a dream. I was too busy slapping to notice that I did not look like myself. Quite literally.

"KID DANGER?!" I screamed in horror. I tried to slap myself as hard as I can, but it was not working.

"Hey, kiddo, are you ok?" My dad must've heard me. I panicked as I heard his footsteps upon the stairs. I decided to just breathe and breathe out. In the span of seconds, I was myself. It was a really good feeling to be yourself and not another person.

My dad was banging on the door, worried about me. I opened it, and told him "I'm fine."

After all that, we finally got started with our movie. I felt so relieved but this feeling in my stomach was nagging me. The fact that I'm not a normal human being and a person with actual superpowers kept bugging me. The fact I would have to lie to everyone, including my dad. The fact that if people knew, they would freak out

I went to sleep after the movie normally but that feeling was still in my stomach..

I wouldn't ever be a normal kid.

NOTE: I am so excited to start this story. Sorry that the backstory was long. I had so many ideas for it and it kinda got on to here.I might not have the best plot for this so don't judge me. Next chapter should be out by tomorrow or the day after. Anyways, bye besties ❤️⚡️

Another Note: im re editing most of my chapters because they look weird and i don't want to rewrite the whole thing with a new plot.

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