The Danger Begins

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Note: A few of the events from the original episode aren't there sorry about it but other than that I hope you enjoy it

Willow's POV

My first full day at SWAG and Schwoz is teaching us the most boring lesson of all: lying. Bro, I'm already a great liar. Who needs lessons on lying. Ok, maybe Mika does, but the rest of us can lie.

And then you have the best thing of all: Chapa. She's so cute when she sees me smiling at her. I catch her sometimes smiling back at me and it's makes me have butterflies in my stomach. I hope that she likes me back somehow.

"Time to practice your lying!", Schwoz says with pure excitement.

"Ughh", me and Chapa groan at the same time. My heart fluttered the second it happened.

"Repeat after me: 'My friend is on fire and I have to pour water on his face.", Schwoz told us to repeat.

"My friend is on fire and III........ am really the only doing this!", she realized.

"As fun as it is to practice lying.." , Chapa stopped all of a sudden.

"..Well, news flash, it's not and we hate it!" OMG, we finished each other's sentences!

I rolled my eyes at Schwoz and high fived Chapa with smiles on our faces. He just groans at me and looks away.

Bose was just being quiet and zoning out.

Miles stood up from his seat. "Hate is a strong word and in this case, it's accurate", Miles said while looking at Schwoz.

Mika, acting like the teacher's pet she is, looked pissed. "What they're trying to say is that Captain Man bought this school to teach how to be superheroes. But if all we do is....."

I stood up from my seat, angry. I had enough of this.

"You know what... We didn't even ask for these powers in the first place. They just came to us!"

Then I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder, kinda warming me up a bit.

  "Willow's right. We didn't ask for them.", Chapa says, with me. ME!  She zaps Schwoz really badly.
He falls to the ground like a dead mouse.

"Oops. SORRY!", she says in a funny and sarcastic voice. It makes me giggle a little. Why does she have to be so cute? Why am I saying this in my head? STOP! WILLOW! STOP!

*little time skip to when Bose question his power

Mika's POV

I can't believe these people. They don't know that this lesson is important for all of us. Instead, they just talk and talk, and Chapa even zapped Schwoz.

"Now I can... Wait, what's my superpower again?", Bose says being very clueless. 

"You can move things with your mind", I answered him. Oh God, he can be so clueless.

"I thought that was Chapa or Willow."

"Chapa can shoot lightning bolts out of her hands" Willow tells Bose, looking at Chapa.

"And Willow can turn invisible and shape-shift.", Chapa said afterwards. AWW, they finished each other's sentences!

"Sick.Miles' power?, Bose asked.

"And Miles can teleport anywhere around the world", I said reluctantly.

"Wait. What's Mika's power then?", Willow asks.

"SHE DOESN'T HAVE ONE!", Chapa and Miles holler, acting like they was the stupid ones. Willow and Bose gasp in shock. But behind me, on the corner of my eye, I see Chapa mouth "I'm sorry!" She giggles a bit. Those two really are lovebirds.

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