Not a Chapter

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I might delay the next chapter a week or two because I have so much  work at school that I need to do. And one more thing, these chapter are very long so I might start doing part of them. This will for some of them, not all. I hope you guys have amazing day or night. Bye besties ❤️⚡️

Edit: i am so sorry but the next chapter might not be released until at least May. I am just not getting as motivated as I was before but at the same time I am. And testing is coming up soon and it might get in the way of that. But the good news is that I will write it and it will be released as soon as possible. Bye besties ❤️⚡️

Another one: Ik that it is too early for me but I am gonna take a tiny break from my book but I will get back it and try to work on it. Bye besties ❤️⚡️

6/17/24: Hey guys! I know its been over a year since I last updated you guys for my story but the reason is I got logged out of my account and I had to reset my password and do all fo this stuff but now I'm back and with Say my name Part 2. It might have to be three or four parts because im going on a trip for a week. I hope that I cna keep this going, I also have to say that I kinda lost by obsession with danger force after they announced season 3 so I might have posts here and there every few weeks or possibly months. I might post Say my name part 2 tomorrow or after tomorrow. Bye besties ❤⚡

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