Thor Odinson- Sleepover!

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(This one didn't go as well as I wanted, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!)

(Name) notices a lot of things. Especially when the Avenger ladies have sleepovers, how the men like to bother them very much.

But, some men, ahem, Tony for instance, can get too obnoxious and the girls are forced to go into Nat's room where no one goes. Or dates to go.

They talk about the newest fashion blog, watch chik-fliks, and eat junk food while gossiping about boys. It all reminded (Name) of the sleepovers she had with her friends when she was younger.

(Name) just happened to be stuffing her face with (favorite flavor) ice cream when a certain God walked in.
The girl's (Natasha, Wanda, and Pepper) all looked up at the blond. (Name) turned her eyes to Thor and jumped up.

Thor and (Name) had been dating for at least two years now and he had forgotten that tonight was the 'girls night' as they call it.

"Thor!" She yelled as she jumped on him, hooking her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

"I missed you.."

Thor smiled and wrapped his arms around (Name), "I missed you too."

A round of 'bleh's' could be heard as the girls fake gagged. "You guys need a room," Pepper boasted, sticking a spoonful of chocolate chip ice cream into her mouth. "I agree."

(Name) raised a brow at Pepper, "this is our room."

Thor set (Name) down, chuckling and hugged her before taking his leave. "I just wanted to see you as soon as I got back. I will see you on the morrow, fair maiden." He pecked her cheek and swiftly left the room.

"He's too good to you!" Wanda whines, holding a bottle of soda in her hands. (Name) giggled and plopped back onto her large bed where all the girls were sat watching the newest chik-flik.

(Name) smiled to herself, ignoring the movie. He was too good to her. But, she liked being spoiled by the god. He was sweet and caring, and very protective of her, which she liked.

And it wasn't everyday you get the chance to be in the arms of a thunder god. She just loved everything about him, inside and out, and that would never change.

"Hello, earth to (Name)?"

The (brunette, blond, etc.) snapped her attention to Pepper, and blushed out of embarrassment.

Giggles could be heard as all the women in the room laughed at her. She laughed along with them, of course.

~Time Skip to after the party~

(Name) was standing in the kitchen on her and Thor's shared floor trying to fins something to eat rather than junk, when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled and leaning into the warm chest that the arms belonged to.

"How are you this morning, m'lady?"

(Name) giggled and turned around towards the thunder god, smiling up at him. "I'm great, how are you?"


He leant down, almost kissing her before he asked her politely if he could, which she then giggled at his red face. He connected their lips in a gentle kiss.

Pulling apart for air, she smiled once again at him and embraced him, her head laying against his chest. "I'm sorry for locking you out last night, I know our couch is uncomfortable."

Thor chuckled and held her tighter, "do not worry, I am fine. Did you have the best of time at your get- together?"

You nodded, nuzzling his neck. Thor smiled at your cuteness.

And as she said before, it wasn't everyday you got to be in the arms of a thunder god.

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