Peter Parker- Again?

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Moonlight shone in through the open window in (Name)'s room, giving her light to read as she lay on her bed.

A soothing summer breeze floated through the window and she smiled, flipping another page.


A blue and red form barged through (Name)'s window and she gasped, holding a hand to her chest. "Peter Parker! Please stop doing that!"

The brunette grinned, lifting himself up from the ground. "Doing what?"

(Name) glared and set her book down.

"What'd you do this time?"

She asked, glancing out the window to see if any cops were searching the streets. Peter walked over to her and turned her around, his bruised face coming into view.

(Name) gasped. She should be used to this by now, but (Name) couldn't get over it when Peter randomly barged into her room and she was forced to nurse him.
"The usual, fighting villains that threaten humanity."

(Name) giggled, "you say that so calmly, come on bug boy, you know the drill."

Peter smiles and follows (Name) to the bathroom where she sits him on the toilet, grabbing a first aid kit.

"So, how'd it go?"

The (brunette, blond, etc.) asked, dabbing a piece of cloth with alcohol before pressing it to a wound. Peter winced and she smiled. Such a sadist.

"The guy's in jail now, he was surprisingly easy."

This was usual, if you're wondering, for him to just show up all beaten and for her to repair him like some professional doctor.

As I've already mentioned that, but anyway, let's get back to the doctoring.

(Name) patched up a scratch and smiled, patting Peter's chest. "You gotta start taking better care of yourself, I won't always be here you know."

Peter wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her onto his lap, looking into her eyes. "But you'll be there, right?"

(Name) smiled, hooking her arms around his neck, "I'll try my best, lover boy."

Peter grinned and sealed the gap with his lips in a passionate and sentimental kiss. (Name)'s eyes fluttered shut and she sighed, kissing him back with just as much passion.

Her hands slid down his shirtless chest, a smile staining her lips as Peter trailed his lips down her jaw.

She pulled his head back by his hair, making him groan as his Adams apple bobbed. "Not tonight mister, you need to heal."

Peter pouted the most adorable pout ever and (Name) almost caved in but got up, waltzing back into her room.

"(Name), please! I've had such a hard day, give me some relaxation!"

She giggled and plopped on her bed, watching as Peter dropped out of her bathroom with a pout still on his face.





"Ugh, fine!" His pout was too intimidating.

"Yay!" He crawled on top of her easily and connected their lips for the second time in the night.

His arms linked around her waist once again and he thumbed her shirt, rubbing circles into her delicate skin. (Name) giggled when Peter wiggled his eyes brows down at her.

"You're wearing red and blue. Again?" Peter asked, seeing the familiar colors as he glanced down at (Name)'s undergarments.

"Might as well when you bought me tons of red and blue stuff!"

"Guess you're right."

She smiled, mumbling a,"what's wrong with again?"

(Ha! I had you guys fooled like mime's. No offense to mime's! I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you!)

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