Bruce Banner- Peace and Quiet

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Even more silence....

(Name) blew a piece of her hair out of her eyes and sighed in boredom. She stared at Bruce, head layed against her folded arms on the table and a pout on her lips.

"Bruce, I'm bored."

Bruce quirks an eyebrow. Shes in a tower full of super hero's, and she can summon electric currents from her body yet she's bored?!

Anyway, Bruce still chuckles and walks over to her. "You could help me out if you like, I've got an extra pair of goggles?"

(Name) groans. "I'm not really up for blowing the lab up, Tony would kill me if I messed up his precious experiments again."

Chuckling, Bruce turns back around, mumbling an "if you say so" and going back to his experiment's. A small fizzing noise came from the bottle he sloshed in his hands, and (Name) jerked her eyes to Bruce's back. What exactly was he making?

Out of curiosity, she stood up from the chair and waltzed over to Bruce, placing her hands on his shoulders and looking over him.

He smiled to himself, knowing well that this would happen. "So you decided to come over here after all, huh?"


Bruce chuckled and continued his experiment. "What exactly is that?" (Name) says, quirking a brow.

"Its a chemical compound of magnesium and sugar phosphate."

"That's a weird combination, why?"

"Because I need it for another chemical."

"Oh, okay then."

(Name) studied more onto the glass bottle, before Bruce turned around and wrapped his arms around her waist.


Even more silence...

"Are you going to kiss me, or just stare at my lips until you-"

The brunette cut her off with his soft lips in a gentle kiss. She kissed back, ofcourse, and sighed into the moving of their mouthes.

Bruce pulled away, leaving (Name) with her eyes still shut in bliss.

"That was nice," she sighed contently, opening her (eye color) orbs and smiling. "Anytime baby," Bruce chirped, turning back around.

(Name) did help Bruce after all, but in an entirely different way.

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