Steve - Wrong #1

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(Long time no see, guys! I really hope this makes up for all the lost time, [probs not] but I hope you enjoy it anyway. I'll be talking with you guys soon, so watch out! Thanks ^~^)

She knows Steve could have any girl out there.

Any girl who swoons over his muscles, bends backwards for that gorgeous, unusually old-fashioned gentleman personality.

Oh God's, does she know

The factor was being proven at the very moment, actually, Steve standing in that special-fitted tux that did wonders to his shoulders, his rosy lips sipping on sparkling champagne as he chatted subconsciously.

Various women were flooding around him, their mouthes opened in girlish laughter and eyes gleaming with predator-like promises. (Name) knew those looks well, for she was one to give them, too. She was one of those coddling women to giggle at every thing he said that she thought was mildly funny, which was a lot of things.

Steve could really crack a girl up.

(Name) bit her lip in frustration at the thoughts, turning her head away from the slowly-adding crowd in disappointment. Yes, she was one among many that he would most likely never notice, probably some cliché woman coming along that'll be his everything one day.

She had read enough stories to know how romance works. 

Or so, she thought.

Suddenly someone was tapping on her bare shoulder, due to her newly bought silk gown just for this occasion, and she was meeting sky blue eyes that shone down at her moments later.


Her breath hitched in her throat, thoughts whirring to a stop. Why? Why did this man have to be so inhumanly gorgeous.

(Name) shoved her troubling mind down her throat and smiled, "hello there, Captain."

He smiles right back, white, straight teeth that are temporarily making her lose her mind.

A second later he's settling himself to a leaning position on the bar countertop, glass flute being spun between his thumb and forefinger as he looks amongst the blobs of color throughout the lounge area of the tower.

He sighs audibly, those eyes clashing with hers once again in a sickeningly sweet passion, making her physically shiver as he speaks lowly.

"You know, all these people and I only know maybe about 10 of them. What's the point of having a Birthday Party if you can't spend it with people you're friends with?"

Her lips pull back into a wider, more knowing this time around, smile as her head tilts back in quiet laughter. He grins down at her, pleased with her reaction.

When she pulls back, though, her response dies on her tongue at the gazing look in those pools of blue, her throat going momentarily dry when it doesn't falter. The corner of his mouth turns up, smirk plastering to those same rosy pink lips that seem to tempt her idly, drawing her in and almost, almost making her do something extremely daring.

His eyes flash with something different, something she's never seen in them before and her world is reeling forward when his fingers wrap around her elbow.

"I'm glad you're here, (Name), it makes the party so much more," he leans in, fanning her ear with his breath, "exciting."

And yes, she nearly dies, because yeah, she knows she is one of those swooning women. But she's almost positive he's never pursued one of them like this, and she suddenly feels really special.

Maybe all those books might have been wrong.

(Hope you guys liked it, I'm working on some Deadpool fics, so those will be up soon, as well. Thank you for reading, and look forward to an author's note on the way!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2016 ⏰

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