Bucky Barnes- Always

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(Surprsie surprise. I'm doing this for imaginemarvel. Her stories are amazing so make sure to check her out if you haven't. Hope you like it!)

She was always out there. Every morning at 4 o'clock sharp, sitting in the concrete drive way with a pack of gushers and a bottled water. She always had that mysterious binder that she sorted through. It was funny to Bucky actually.

That she would wake up just to listen to actual nature. In New York?!

But anyway, he'd always see her before he ventured out into the world. And she'd always glance at him, making eye contact for a few moments before he broke it, the stare becoming too intense.

It was funny to Bucky because this went on for 2 months. The sensual glances. The mysterious girl sitting in her driveway at hours hardly anyone was up at, just sitting there, sometimes with that binder, other times just sitting there. Doing absolutely nothing.

It tickled Bucky.

One day, he got tired of just the glances and walked straight over to her. Glancing down at the binder, he smiled. It was music.

She smiled back, "hi there."

Bucky chuckled at how weird it was. But months later, the couple sat on a park bench, intertwined fingers. "So, why did you look at me all those times?"

(Name) giggled and laid her head down onto his shoulder, smiling along the way. "I thought you were cute and you always stared back, so why the hell not?"

"Not always."

"Oh babe, it was always."

(I hope it was good! I just got the idea to write what I do in the mornings with tweaks for the request. I hope you liked it Sky!)

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