WolfStar - Memories

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Sirius spread his wings, looking for his husband, Remus Black. He quickly flew up into the clouds, chasing Remus around. They were both laughing, flying around and enjoying their time. They had all the time in the world, after all, they were in heaven.

After finishing their game of tag which had ended up lasting from around five o'clock to sunset, Sirius and Remus Black had meandered through the clouds and back to their house. It was a white building, with traces of gold leading across the porch. They entered looking at all of the moving pictures on the walls, some of them were the Potters or Harry, hanging out with Hermione and Ron. Others were of Sirius and Remus, holding hands, kissing, getting married up in heaven.

As they walked through the hallway to the kitchen, they paused for a moment, watching the mighty blush on the picture Sirius's face as they kissed getting married. The real Sirius flushed as well, remembering that day very clearly.


Mawwidge, mawwidge, what bwings us togever today.. (A/N if you've watched Princess Bride imagine the priests voice doing this, if you haven't watched Princess Bride, look it up, I also don't remember the whole speech so.. fill it in ig?)

After the impossibly long speech, there was the Kiss. Remus leaned in, close to Sirius, and you could feel the excitement in the air, buzzing through their bones. He leaned closer and put his lips onto Sirius's lips and Sirius leaned into it, not wanting this moment to end but knowing that when it did, he wouldn't be Remus Lupin anymore. He would be Remus Black. All too soon, they had to breath and they broke away from their kiss. They looked into each other's eyes, all to sappily.

End Flashback:

Remus looked at Sirius, smiled and headed to the kitchen. They both knew that Sirius is not the best at cooking, but they both enjoy the chocolate chip cookies Remus tends to make most nights. Sirius ends up making maceroni 'n cheese soon after Remus put the cookies it to bake.

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