Solangelo - The Dead

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A/N There is some Angst-y stuff but it gets close to fluffy. I also know you guys are reading my stuff PLEASE comment, I need to know what guys want!

Will Solace, son of Apollo, Head healer, Head of cabin Seven, Boyfriend to Nico di Angelo, was silently crying on his boyfriend. Will still had to cry somewhere, preferably on someone comfortable.

Nico was combing his hand through the slightly taller boys blond hair, he knew that would calm him down. At least somewhat, but Nico was not sure what he was supposed to do with his crying boyfriend. Usually it was Nico crying on Will (whether or not he wanted to admit that was a different story though).

Nico was thinking about what Will has done for him when he's been in that kind of state before. Nico started gently rubbing Will's back, round and round in circles, in infinity loops around the little spine bumps.

Will had started to calm down and was able to breathe evenly, his tears slowly stopping. He hadn't meant for Nico to find him, curled up and crying in the back of the infirmary.


Nico walked into the infirmary, looking for Will. *Hic* Nico looked down, scanning quickly for the crying person. *Hic* It was Will, he would know that sound anywhere. *Hic* Nico walked all the way to the back of the infirmary, closer to Will's office. *Hic* Nico walked in and looked behind and under the desk. *Hic* He saw a very familiar blond boy curled up under the desk *Hic* Nico knelt down and started softly whispering to Will. "It's ok, I'm here. It's not your  fault. We're okay." And other things similar to that. After a minute or two, Nico picked him up bridal style and carried Will to the Hades cabin

*End Flashback*

Will was still crying in Nico's arms, but it was certainly less than what it was earlier.


I just can't seem to finish it yet but I figured I would give you guys at least something for now. Sorry I haven't updated recently, I've just been dealing with a lot of crap. Anygays, let me know what you think and if you want to read something specific or have an idea please let me know. Sorry  again and I'll try harder to update soon.

Bye potato army!
Rayton out.

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