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2. INT Orphanage bedroom - MORNING [A FEW DAYS BEFORE]

(*knock* *knock*)

Player: Wh-huh

A Woman: *grumble* *grumble*

I don't have all day, boy!

Player: Give me a minute! I'm just coming

(Oh bother, who needs to bug me this time?)

(Well, better be done with this quick)

*door opens*

Oh Miss Jo, what a pleasant... *yawn*... surprise...

Miss Josephine: Still tired boy? It's 10 AM right now, you even missed

Monday morning's sermon!

Player: (Oh I did, huh. What a relief..)

Sorry about that Miss Josephine, the last few days have

been pretty tiring...

Miss Josephine (unamused):

You've been like this forever, boy!

Anyhow, I'd like to update you that we finally got in contact with your sister

Player: Huh? Really?

Miss Josephine: Mhm, she is living in Japan in some small town... It's Tutu no Tusur... argh these weird unpronounceable names!

Player: Okay so it's some small city in Japan? That's where my sister has been for all this time? Are you sure you found the right person?

Miss Josephine: It IS your sister Lyn. She works at a local newspaper agency. We talked and she agreed to take custody, we've already exchanged papers and she has sent you a flight ticket.

(Miss Josephine hands the Player a flight ticket)

Player: I...don't know how to take in all of this... I don't even know Japanese...

Miss Josephine: But you do spend a lot of time watching those Japanese cartoon shows...

Player: Um..that's not-

(I don't know if I have the energy to explain her that I watch subbed anime )

Miss Josephine: Don't act so aloof. Your sister was really hard to get into contact with so you and she pushed hard to get this done so you better be grateful.

Player: (I sure am, anything to get me out of my misery here..)

Miss Josephine: Anyhow, we're going to give you a farewell at 5 and you leave for the airport at 6 in the evening. You can look up the flight details on your ticket.

You best show up on time.

Player: Yeah sure whatever I'll try

Miss Josephine (*Scoffs*):  We'll see about that.

(*Door closes*)

>Want to continue reading this new story? If so, please check out my new story, 

The Wounds We Share!

It's certainly different from anything I've written, and the story itself will slowly develop into a mature story referencing darker, mature themes, hence Viewer discretion is advised [ 13+ RECOMMENDED]

It's certainly different from anything I've written, and the story itself will slowly develop into a mature story referencing darker, mature themes, hence Viewer discretion is advised [ 13+ RECOMMENDED]

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If you've enjoyed DOAWK HELP and want to check out an on-going story I'm working on, this is it!

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