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I'm now officially done with Tracy.  She KNOWS I don't LIKE her but she keeps on writing on my desk 'I Luv yah we will marry each author when we grew ap' I don't know how she got passed from 5th GRADE since her English and handwriting is BAD. Well, I was done. I went to HER dirty desk and wrote:

Hey, Tracy. Please stop writing these messages to me. I am not at all interested in you. I  am dating some other girl at the moment. Truthfully, I do not like you.

Well, today in school they also showed a video:

It was kind of .... okay, but some parts gave me the willies. Rowley who is practically a 5 year old,  passed out in the middle of watching THAT video. I don't know what to do with that boy, sometimes.

Well actually  I thought that we just had to watch the video but after the video,  Mr.Blackwell gave us some WORKSHEETS to fill.  I thought they were TESTS but when I saw ROWLEY filling them up,  I knew they were easy.

Later, before Math class I went to my locker and found this note:

Hey, hottie! you're invited to my slumber party!! :) This Sunday at this residence: The Arraign House, Grimm street, Please come! :P THE GIRLS :D

I couldn't believe what I was reading. party. I went to tell Rowley about the news.  Rowley got excited and asked if he could come. I did not know but I still said yes.

I'm getting some thoughts that what if Tracy's the one writing this? But Nah! her English is bad so is her handwriting. There's no way she would have written it.

When I went home and played PlayLife I was shocked to see that my two kids Anna and Greg Jr died,  I lost all my money and my car and I'm homeless. My wife divorced me (so you could call me wifeless).  I got so angry that I went to Mom and complained that Manny was RUINING the gameplay for ME.  Mom told me that Manny was trying to have FUN.  I don't get it.  How can you have FUN, when you've lost your WEALTH, wife and two of your CHILDREN?

In other news today when I went home, I checked my email and I FOUND THIS:

In other news today when I went home, I checked my email and I FOUND THIS:

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Man! I was counting on Rowley to be as my bodyguard. Or something like that.

And... I don't know how... but MANNY got hold of my previous diary and drew RANDOM stuff like this on a few remaining pages:

 but MANNY got hold of my previous diary and drew RANDOM stuff like this on a few remaining pages:

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I don't know what he actually made, but I know he wrote my nickname by him,  Bubby. Which shows that he isn't grown up from that.

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