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Today when I went to my homeroom class there was another note written by Tracy.  I really don't know what to do with that GIRL.  Girls in my grade are supposed to be cool, pretty but SHE'S basically the OPPOSITE of the cool girls in my grade.

She wrote

Hay Gregory! I like you a lot!!! Why don't U like me :( I want to kiss you inside

I can't say anything. I try to do but it's like I just lost my voice. Well, I'll get to meet hot girls at the Slumber party on Sunday. I hope SHE isn't there or else I'd have a bad day. Plus hey, did she improve her English or did someone wrote this for her as a favour......

The word Kiss is creeping me for a sudden. What if she's at the party and when we're playing spin the bottle and I have to KISS her? Jeez I don't want to think about that on a good day.

Yes, today was a good day. Today are Maths teacher Mrs Crawford was absent today because her father had expired.

Well, I did feel sorry for Mrs Crawford, but I don't think the boys in my grade did. They ended up playing freeze tag outside. I bet Mrs Crawford will NOT find it nice when she finds out that what WE did when she was ABSENT.  Some were quite inappropriate for us.

When I went home today, I opened PlayLife to check what happened just in case it was a bug. And yep it was. The strange fact was that it loaded the save data which was before Manny started playing, which meant I had my mansion, wife, and children!

I felt a sigh of relief, I also found out to add a password to the Game so that Manny can't open it.

Speaking of Manny,  today Manny got Mom to buy him a Strange Town movie disk.  It's about this boy who fell from a cliff and mystically entered a land called "StrangeTown" where random strange things happen every day and speaks random words... well,  Manny loved that movie but I bet Mom wasn't too hot with that idea.

She thinks that Manny would pick up those words right and left and start speaking, just like he did with the Snurples. It was quite tough to get him out of watching that though.

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