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Well, that Nasty Tracy strikes again. Well, you'd be asking me that 'what's the proof of her being nasty?' well then,  just look under her desk and you know what I mean.  She wrote on my desk 'Were perfect for each othar I lav yau wil yuo _ _ _ _ me?' It took me a minute to figure out what the _ meant. She wanted to smooch her ugly lips on me. I wrote ' Not interested' but I wish I hadn't.  The whole day she watched me like a hawk. And point to tell,  her English is not good too.

I told Mom about my situation and she told me that I'd rather become friends with HER.  Now, this is a type of advice you'd get from a mother who once made you playmates with Fregley.  Actually, I like this new girl named Ashley Loophole. But she's sadly taken by Brian Wrightson.  Brian is the 2nd most popular kid in my grade after Bryce Anderson. Whenever you see him, he's with a groupie of girls all around him. I guess he's a "Babe magnet".

Remember how I told you about Jason Stringham acting all nice and helpful?  Well, he did that to earn a Happy Merit badge.  The school has started this new thing that if you be nice and get good grades you earn badges.  And earning these badges boosts you up to the "most popular" rank. Well after he earned that badge,  he's back to square one.

I guess I'll need to be all goody two shoes for a few weeks to become popular in the school though.  But I hope it doesn't give me a new nickname from the kids in my grade.

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