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Today was the day. It was the day to spend with cute girls from my grade at a slumber party.  After I got dressed I sprayed some of those colognes which on a TV show that you'll attract cute girls in a minute.

When I went to the residence where the party was I wanted to faint any second. When I entered the house was like the dirtiest I've ever seen and I saw a baby girl drooling over a piece of cake and touching with her foot.

When I went inside the main room, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There were no boys except me there were only a bunch of filthy girls of other grades and Tracy. I was dumbfounded.

I quickly persuaded to the bathroom and locked my self inside. There were no windows so I had no way to escape. I could hear the filthy girl says hey Gregory come to us, we'll play Spin bottle! But I ignored them and kept thinking about how to escape.

I became very nervous when I got an idea stuck in my mind. Mom made me take the Ladybug phone which I trashed away today from my junk drawer. Mom had fished out from the trash can to give it to me. For emergency purposes and to call her after every 1 hour to give her updates.

Well, I can thank Mom for that. I quickly take out my phone and call Home. I wait for some while but no answer. I got more nervous and called 911 and told them to come to this address and help me. When the doorbell rang there were a few cops outside. They wanted to ask me what was wrong or who called them, but I quickly ran away before they would start asking me questions.

When I came home Mom wasn't happy and guess what?

Mom was the one who wrote that note of the slumber party because Tracy's Mother was in the PTA with Mom and told her about how she liked me and I didn't and Mom promised her that she'll do something about it.

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