part 2- Luigis sacrifice

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The atmosphere of the castle fell grey and the air was tight like each of them were being choked. Yet, not a sound was made. Luigi couldn't read their expressions. Anger, concern, fear, perhaps. Understanding his own emotions currently was hard enough. Which left him feeling useless in the moment to be able to comfort the others, but, he had to stay positive. Mario was the more confident of the pair; the people person, being able to speak to anyone,but Luigi understood their emotions better. You could say that he was more empathetic towards others.

"We can't let him get all the power stars- with all of them, he would be too powerful for anyone's good" Mario stated, filling the quiet void to bring hope back to the castle. "Does he plan to take the Mushroom Kingdoms power star and moons too then?"

Luigi had read up on the power stars and moons, knowing that when combined, they had great power, but in the wrong hands.. or claws in his matter, it could be destructive.

"I can surely hope not!" Peach replied, picking up her frilly skirt to lead everyone to the window as the group looked out onto the Kingdom below, "the power stars alone can work alongside our kingdoms crystal, giving it power and abilities to expand. With the moons, too..I fear that our kingdoms would fall to Bowsers command. In fact, I already have plans to use the mushroom kingdoms power star to modernise and expand toad city"

"Don't worry, Peachie. You won't be battling this fight alone, " Daisy triumphed, with the Penguin King nodding in supportive agreement.

"The snow kingdom has a lot to give back to the Mushroom King, we will take this opportunity to repay your kindness. Bowser shalln't cross into the mushroom land!"

Smiles replaced the concern in the room, everyone feeling reassured by the support that was shared. Luigi turned to his brother for further consolation, not being able to get rid of the lump in his throat as he stood a little wobbly at the knees.

His brother raised his hands up to his chest while taking a deep breath, implying for Luigi to copy- inhaling before slowly releasing that shaky breath. A smile formed on their rosy cheeks, a hint on their noses as Luigi felt a little more prepared.

"Come on, no time to waste- let's-a go!" Mario cheered out, jumping up into action as he beckoned everyone to follow with the swift gesture of his hand.

The group ran down the halls, a pink gleam illuminating the castle from the crystal just as though it were an alarm to prepare everyone for battle.

"Ally the troops! Contact kingdoms for support! Get the toads to safety!" Peach called out affirmatively to nearby Toads that quickly sprung up to follow her commands, the calm nature of her mellow voice soothing those in the panic.

The marble floor of the castle clinked with each fast step hitting against the floor, alarms sounding out and ringing among the pink glow that faded from light to dark.

"Here! Everyone come" we followed Peach into the weapons room, Daisy immediately picking up an axe -almost matching her in height- and held it over her shoulder.

"Luigi, can you farm us some power-ups" luigi turned to Mario as he spoke, nodding in appreciation that he was trusted to collect them.

"Yes, take Daisy with you"

Luigi grimaced slightly, turning up his lip at the Penguin Kings suggestion. Not that there was a problem with Daisy, he was more than happy to have her alongside him but it was rather the implication that he couldn't handle himself.

He pulled up his sleeves, picking up a woven basket to collect the powers-up in and held one out for Daisy but she stuck her hand up gently with a smile.

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