part 7- dinner conflict

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Luigi had been dragged to sit at the table with the Koopa family as they all crowded around in silence. Bowser had been honouring his burning glare, his eyes hidden under his thick eyebrows.

"So..." he dragged.

The koopalings had been staring at the table, so often finding themselves in mischief but never wishing to deal with the consequences of their fathers disapproval.

"What are we not going to again?" He asked, but it was more of a statement, glancing up at his children that slowly returned with their beady eyes staring up at him.

"Set the kitchen on fire.." most of them responded with their eyes fixated back on the table.

"Father, if I may -"

"You may not!" Bowser seethed through his snout at his eldest. "We have a guest joining us, and I would have thought that you wouldn't want to display yourself thisundignified."

Luigi messed with refolding his already perfected napkin on his lap. Anything to excuse himself from the situation taking place. It seemed as if some of them wanted to tease Ludwig about being shut down by their father. However, the displeasing silence didn't break until Larry raised his hand. Luigi heard Bowser grunt as if to keep his disappointed parent act up, but he couldn't help but notice him soften at his younger when nodding in his direction for him to go on.

"I thought he was a prisoner..not a guest."

Luigi glanced up, remembering his place but looked at Bowser, curious for the answer to his status in this castle.

Bowser had been puzzling the same question because while Luigi was being held here, he offered him kindness in the way a friend would. Although that would be ignoring that they were not friends and luigi was just piece in this game he played.

The ticking of the grandfather clock dragged out, pushing Bowser to answer as it left him aware of how long he was taking to answer. He wasn't sure but as he always said, a king and a koopa for that matter was always sure.

Yet, luigi had left him in a new position, and he was sceptical about his ability to lie through this one.


All eyes were on him, each hoping for different answers as Iggy hoped for peace for Luigi while Roy wanted his adopted father to finish the sentence by saying he's a prisoner and they'd all get a turn to fight him.

"He's.. a guest, as I said before. A guest with strict rules. He will still be guarded, but he has volunteered himself to help us with some extra work, and therefore, you will all respect him." Bowser answered, making blatant eye contact with Luigi as he watched yo see his shoulders relax.

Sure, Luigi would prefer not to be held against his will, but was that really the case when he'd still choose to be here given the choice?

Iggy clapped his hands in delight, causing his twin to mimic him, which caused nothing more than a glare from Ludwig as he sinked into his chair. The 18 year old shoved his claws against the table to push his chair out before storming out to his room, making sure to slam the double doors on the way out.

The wood was brought out, different coloured koopas holding trays that rattled with the tension as everything was placed on the table.

"The starter your highness," the older koopa bowed as he tucked a tea towel into his shell.

It seemed he was a retired soldier with the cracks of his shell patched up as the middle of it sunk in slightly. Luigi couldn't help but stare, realising he had probably been a koopa troopa victim to Mario or himself jumping on their shells. Luigi had never really thought about what they were doing. He had never fully registered that these were creatures with their own lives. They had just been obstacles before.

Bowuigi- From The Enemy's Eyes (Bowser x Luigi)Where stories live. Discover now