part 3- dont touch me

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"Send him to his cell."


Luigi's face fell as he stared upon Bowser, seeing a demeanour full of hate with no remorse for him.

He suddenly understood how Peach felt in these situations, thinking to himself how much he commended her for being so brave to put up with Bowsers antics. Perhaps he played a facade in failed attempts to entice Luigis friend.

However, Bowser would certainly not be trying to win Luigi over,...his safety, and thus, his fate was questionable.

Mario had been tormenting the king for years. Killing his brother would really send the message that he was not to be tested.

His chains were tugged at suddenly, yanking Luigi from behind as his skin was pulled at by the scorching metal. Cuts deepening from torturous burns scarred his already battered body that shared stories with previous battle scars, plus the few scars from when he would stumble from day-to-day. Each small bruise would remind him of his brother. Everytime Luigi got himself hurt, Mario would be there and lightly scold him to be more careful as he wrapped up his cuts. Mario.. he wanted to get back to him before he undoubtedly made it his mission to break into the castle to get Luigi back by force. The tugging continued, edging him out the throne room to an undesirable place. He frantically thrashed his arms around, trying to get away from the heat but to no avail.

"Wait," Bowser snapped, seeming impatient, but his voice was lowered as if hushed out in frustration.

The magikoopa came to a sharp stop at the command of his highness as if there was more to his devotion to the King.

The both of them watched as Bowser made his way over to them again. Smoke cascading down to his feet as it blew from his mouth. He paused halfway, creating a gap across the room where Luigi had to look up to see his face. He pressumed that was his intention to make him feel smaller and weak.

"Bring him to me," he beckoned, keeping his intimidating stance as he steamed out from his mouth. "You then may be..dismissed, I'll take it from here."

Kamek moved Luigi to Bowser with his magic, closing the gap between them as he felt the hot air from his smokey breath and his eyes looking upon him, as if judging to break him down into nothing but what many viewed him as. The weaker of the brothers. The coward. An extra player waiting for his moment from the sidelines.

He felt insecure.

The eerie close of the door after Kamek left rang out around the room, letting Luigi know that he was alone with Bowser. He had always been in danger, but now there were no witnesses.

His claw was brought up to Luigi's face, causing a flinch on his behalf that prompted Bowser's undermining laugh as if amusing to him.

"You really are a coward. Such a pushover compared to your brother."

Ouch. Luigi tried to muster up his courage to only find himself scowling feebly. This was all a game to him. He was messing him, trying to play on his insecurities on purpose, and he fell for it.

"Which will benefit my behalf," Bowser spoke, the last of his smoke trailing out as he looked at his claw below the brothers chin. His face was expressionless, bored from interacting with someone worthless of his time.

"...if you were Mario on the other hand, now that would've cause some issues," He breathed in, raising his chest alongside his claw that dug under his chin to lift Luigis face. "He would have gave a better fight, but what did I expect. You're just- infact..I can't even seem to recall your name. Louis, was it?"

Bowuigi- From The Enemy's Eyes (Bowser x Luigi)Where stories live. Discover now