part 4 - Stan Iggy

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Sorry I'm late! I just graduated from my school


Luigi found himself admiring the room. His eyes were wandering around full of curiosity, not being able to focus on one thing. The room seemed as if it were designed by Bowser himself, full of little details that would suggest things about his personality and interests.

Luigi wondered if his room was similar, not that he'd ever find an answer to that without going into his room. Which- he didn't plan on.

His chest raised full of a tense breath that choked up his throat. Releasing it out felt like his first breath in a while, but he didn't have time to relax.

The koopa-sized bed was crafted delicately, patterns chipped away in the deep crystallised black stone that flickered small sparkles from within with each reflection of the hot lava pearing in from outside the window.

Luigi pushed himself off the bed with a small jump. He patted down the red blankets to make sure they were in place. Despite his situation of being a prisoner, he wouldn't want to be rude. The lava caught his eye, warming his back from behind as he his body turned away from it. With the wipe of his stache, he walked over to the window to close his curtains, but his attention was stolen by the view.

He couldn't believe his eyes. They twinkled, with his lips parted ever so slightly as he saw a part of the dark kingdom that he'd never had the pleasure of knowing.

With every mission to Bowser's castle, Mario and him would break in through the gates that would eventually take them to their goal of where the princess was. In their travels, they would never have to go past the village of where the citizens stayed.

It made everything seem so different. For so long, they had just been the enemy. The heartless monsters that showed no mercy to the toads back home, but here, they had their own homes and their own families.

Luigi gripped onto the metals bars of the windows that mimicked ones you may find in a cell, startling the green prisoner briefly before realising that each window in the castle had the same bars. It was an interesting style choice, and Luigi couldn't help but compare it to the bright whites and pinks of Peach's castle. He pushed the thoughts of architecture to the back of his mind, focusing on the village below.

Village houses with red slated roofs all in a row with roads of cobblestone paths that all lead to the centre of the village. It looked like a market with a dark fountain filled with a golden glow of lava rather than a gentle flow of water. Luigi couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of the koopas drinking lava instead of water. A joke to himself that helped lighten his fears. The market had banners, red but some black and a few yellow that each had a silhouette of their Kings face. Did Bowser force his face to be everywhere, or are the Koopas so devoted that they hung up the decorations themselves to show their devotion.

Each koopa that Luigi looked at from the towering window above was doing their own thing, getting on with their own day, but luigi couldn't help but notice something wrong. In the Mushroom kingdom, when a road was broken or a house had been destroyed, it would immediately get fixed with the homeowners being sheltered in the meantime, but that wasn't the case here. Cracks crowded the roads, untidy streets with gaping holes that Luigi would often see koopas trip over. Neighbourhoods were fallen, merely resembling houses. In fact, masses of homes were destroyed with bricks taking their places. Except, they were still homes as he saw Koopas trying to make the best of their situation by sheltering their families in sheds made from the broken rubble.

He was horrified.

The battle of defeating Bowser had impacted both kingdoms, but why had the koopa kingdom not repaired itself afterwards?

Bowuigi- From The Enemy's Eyes (Bowser x Luigi)Where stories live. Discover now