part 8 - luigi puts on his big boy pants

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No, it hasn't been almost half a year. I dont know what you're talking about.


When Luigi walked the halls of the castle under the regular side eye of Bowser, he couldn't help but stare down at his hands. What was the point of it all: the killing of koopas, the capturing of Princesses, the relentless threat of war that played puppetmaster to their every move? If this was all a misunderstanding and a battle of power, who was really innocent?

The dinner with the Koopa family had been a disaster, that was for sure, and Luigi couldn't help but feel just as out of place here as he did back in the Mushroom kingdom. He longed to go home, but despite sacrificing himself to save Peach, he felt the need to go home with his hands full of information or something to offer. Something that would make him stand out. Maybe, just maybe, if he was able to reach out to Bowser, Luigi would be able to make a leap into stopping this war.

It was rather funny, though. Luigi was almost sure that if he asked, Bowser would possibly hesitate to say no if Luigi asked to leave.

"Tell me something, green bean", Bowser mumbled, suddenly the glances had turned to staring as they turned a corner to walk down the corridor that lead to the kid's rooms, "Why the fuck are you still here"

"Wah-" Luigi's eyes squinted, then made a great deal in waving his arms about as to make it clear he was imprisoned, "what do you mean why am I still here?"

Bowser's chest heaved in a deep breath, the both of us coming to a stop outside Larry's room. His scales looked hot, the tight cracks in between them glowing a deep red as if a fire inside him was burning.

The bedroom door had bright lights flashing from underneath it, making it clear Larry was inside. Bowser had paused, not continuing to talk to Luigi, so he had taken it as an indication to push past the conversation.

However, when Luigi reached out for the door handle and went to open it, it was clear that was the wrong move.

Bowser grabbed him by the back of his dungarees, his claws pinching the straps as Luigi was brought into the air.

"Whup!-" Luigi yelped, grabbing his hat and bringing his knees to his chest in preparation to tuck and roll if he was dropped.

The focused task of seeing the kids had been completely ignored and pushed aside in Bowsers mind. Luigi found it inscrutable to read the Koopa, finding his temper and emotions would burn fast and change. He never knew what to expect.

"Your kids - we should, ey- probably check up on- umpff-!" Luigi exclaimed after being cut off when dropped into the chair of Bowser's office.

The small green twig felt immensely small under the Bowser, who was towering over him like a tree. Luigi, in his shadow, hidden but unprotected.

Whatever Luigi had thought was between them was suddenly snapped as even Bowser noticed Luigi's shift as he cowered slightly in the chair, reminiscent of his first meeting of Bowser.

"You've been a fool," Bowser began, walking around the desk and sitting down in his office chair that was really rather a smaller throne. "You're naïve"

The room was large, the desk feeling so small in comparison, and Luigi was even smaller. There felt a gust, empty space around him, and a hollow feeling inside like a ticking clock. Make one wrong move, and he'd be crushed before he could tick another second.

Luigi felt lost, had he missed something. What was going on? He had asked himself, trying to keep the silence that urged his nerves to come up away by speaking to himself in the only safe space he felt, which was of course his own thoughts but even those turned on him often.

But why was Bowser suddenly acting like this when he had seemed to be warming up to Luigi.

If only Luigi had taken one of the many opportunities to run back home to his brother. What was he thinking.

"What the fuck am I doing here?" Luigi cussed, unnaturally that it almost seemed like he had to force his tongue to say it.

Bowser raised his brow in an uncomfortable expression, noticing Luigi was asking himself that rather than looking at Bowser for an answer.

"Because you're too trusting," Bowser answered for him anyway, "I've thought about it. Your offer. I could go about my original plan, take the crystals from the other kingdoms to restore my own, and crush the mushroom kingdom for its monarchs constant ignorance to my problems. Or. I could decide to take a risk and let you into my life, depending on you to sort things out by going out there and trying to convince Peach."

The crisps of flames from the pit of lava behind Bowser had made Luigi develop a sweat, his eyes tickling as he blinked.

"You have offered to help around the castle. I have given you many opportunities to run, I wanted you to run. Why are you still here?! I haven't even given you an indication that I'd even take you're offer but you're acting like this is your home. This is somewhere you frequent for work. Tell me, Greenie, what do you really think the outcome will be?"

It was almost threatening to Luigi. The more Bowser yelled at him, the less he continued shaking. He clung onto a part of that, he had wanted him to run. Luigi fixed his hat, his eyes darting around as he tried to read Bowser. Mario had always been better at planning and thinking of quick moves and escapes under pressure, but, Luigi could read people better.

"You dont like that I've given you an opportunity to change. Do you? Thats why you wanted me to run, so it would give you an easy answer and you could stick to your ways" Luigi took a deep breath, hating how wrong this felt but he had a goal set in his mind now., "dont yell at me. Dont pick me up like a toy and insult me."

Luigi stood up in his chair, any way to make himself taller. He was going to find a way to get Bowser to stand down and take his offer because his plan could - no, will. His plan will work. He was going to believe in himself for once.

"You scared me for a moment, I'll give you that but you're trying to make me run because you're also scared. You are unsure of what to do and where to go from here!" Luigi exclaimed, waving his arms about to make motion as if Bowser was a big scary bear.

He wasn't going to run away, and feel sorry for himself. He was going to make a name for himself, separately to his brother.

"You didn't need me to run. You could have easily thrown me out or silenced me into the dungeon. Bowser, please give me a chance. You keep contradicting yourself and running out too early", luigi pulled himself together as he spoke more softly, leaning into the table to offer his hand, "this is your chance to show everyone else they were wrong about you. Maybe they were ignorant because you didn't give them a reason to believe in you."

Bowser felt puzzled and slightly sick. In the way of a churning inside of him, his throat feeling tight to keep it all down. It was hard and unclear, but he felt a deep shame amongst that sickening twist.

Unable to understand the reasoning behind Luigi, it made Bowser feel untrusting to him. Except, Bowser looked down at his reflection across the shining molden polished table. His claws were placed on it, his hand alone could squish the poor man. He had put Luigi in a weird situation of being in the middle of things. He had given opportunities for him to run, but he was still a prisoner here in some way where guards watched over him and acted hostile. He, himself, had - correction - still acted hostile towards Luigi.

His hand was right there. His gloved hand was being offered to him, and Luigi had shown kindness to him and his family. What intention would be bad. What did Bowser have to lose. He couldn't continue through his selfish ways when his kingdom was failing and his kids were miserable. What kind of a king and father would turn down an opportunity to solve things peacefully.

"I accept your offer."

Then their hands grasped together, Luigis claustrophobically in Bowsers as they shook on it.

Authors note

I didn't know if I'd ever come back to this, but my mental health is improving (would you believe that talking to people works?? That's crazy)
I'll probably publish once a week with a few missed when I feel burnout/not having a good week. Thank you for all being patient!! This chapter is just to catch myself back up.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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