Chapter 5: The Enemy Within

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They appeared back in Palkia's house. "Alright, none of you appear to be a puppet so you can go on through." Said Palkia, checking over all four of them. "Good, I was afraid one of us was possessed." Commented Janet, looking directly at Natasha. "If I was possessed than Ivan would know!" Barked Natasha. "Yeah Janet, Giratina isn't cute." Agreed Ivan. "We haven't actually talked to Giratina so far so technically they could be adorable or exactly like one of us but we won't know because we are not talking to Giratina anytime ever." Denied Janet, seeming offended at the comment.

"If Giratina was cute we probably wouldn't be so afraid of her." Said Jirachi. "Can you shut up?" Snapped Janet. "Let's go and Natasha, we're not having that date because we didn't talk to Giratina, your words not mine." Called Ivan. "Really Janet? You couldn't just let us go see Giratina so I could go somewhere without you butting in." Jabbed Natasha, shaking Janet vigorously.

"I am the only one here with some common sense!" Yelled Janet, slamming Natasha to the ground. "Wow Janet, I didn't know you could exercise in your dreams." Remarked Ivan. "It was probably the sword." Defended Janet nervously. "Sure Janet, let's go with that and not the adrenaline from anger." Replied Ivan. "When are we going back to the mansion anyway?" Asked Jirachi. "I was just waiting for Palkia to teleport us there." Answered Ivan.

Palkia then got embarrassed and transported all four of them to the mansion. "Let us go our separate ways." Said Janet, splitting from the group. "Weren't you the only one with some common sense? If we're without adult supervision then we could hurt ourselves falling up the stairs or die of having too much fun without some crabby buzzkill to insult us." Remarked Ivan, purposefully running into a wall.

"Then this is your chance to prove that you can do something without messing it up with some insane principle." Jabbed Janet. Ivan responded by rubbing his paws together and cackling. "You know what that means you two, time to indulge in some tomfoolery and shenanigans! To the place with the thing!" Declared Ivan as Janet left into the mansion. "Can it be under the sheets?" Squealed Natasha. "I don't want to watch that!" Replied Jirachi.

"Nay Natasha, it shall be in the place with the thing, onward!" Commanded Ivan, leading the group. Meanwhile, Janet was with the sylveon fan club, questioning them. "What did Ivan do when he was with you?" She asked, getting no response. "Can you show me any paintings or act out what he did?" Added Janet. She waited some time for the sylveons to respond but they just stood there. "Why aren't any of you doing anything?" Snapped Janet, threatening to scratch a painting of Ivan.

"If none of you talk then I'm going to rip this disgusting perversion to bits!" Threatened Janet.
"You said you loved them!" Called one sylveon. "Just as I thought, you floozies were able to speak. Now tell me what Ivan did during his 3 months unconscious and how I can get him to go into that state again." Ordered Janet. "He petted us and brang us to his home and gave us food and took care of us so carefully. Then, he let us sing with him after some evil group tried to take us away from him." Said the same sylveon, giving no actual information.

"You are useless. I'm moving on to someone who can tell me the truth." Said Janet, moving out of the room and to the gym. When she entered, the flareons were getting some massive gains broseph. "You, what did Ivan do during the first three months you knew him?" Questioned Janet. "Bro absolutely brought us here and like, showed us how to bro, bro. Wanna bro with us bro, we could show you how bro." Offered the flareon. "Are there any other things he did?" Asked Janet. "Bro brang us to a cool dance a-" "I know about the dance I want to know what happened in between that." Interrupted Janet.

"Bro, you seem really mad bro, wanna get out your anger by punching this bag bro?" Offered flarebro, pointing out a vacant punching bag that had a paper on it saying "non-bros". "No, I need to know what happened before the dance, now." Denied Janet. "So like bro brought all to a summit and went on for 3 days just talking to us, no breaks, sleep, food or water. It was really concerning and we took shifts to be able to listen to his whole speech." Said flarebro.

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