Chapter 6: An Underbrush Agent

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Jarvis was overjoyed, it was his first mission since Ivan regained consciousness and also his first mission period. He followed Ivan as close as Natasha let her. "Please don't get this guy murdered for a nice night." Sighed Jirachi. "Oh come on, these guys are trained on thorns and have obviously come to terms with the fact that I may kill them so I can have a slightly better life." Dismissed Ivan.

"How would you know? You were unconscious for three months and clearly wouldn't have had time to notice the fact that everyone was here." Argued Jirachi. "What I do late in the night when you're asleep is pretty cool." Replied Ivan. "I don't sleep Ivan. So unless you somehow communicated with someone while you were asleep and used their body to go around the house then you couldn't possibly have had the time to do it." Denied Jirachi, frustrated.

"He probably did, it wouldn't be very hard for one of his espeons to access his dreams and temporarily join their consciousnesses together." Suggested Debra. "Or, I had one of those dreams where you do or see something in it and then it happens and it's like super weird and awesome at the same time." Dismissed Ivan. "Yeah, that's make a lot more sense." Agreed Debra dryly.

"Moving on, what are we gonna do while we wait for James to attack us?" Asked Natasha. "I have no idea but what I will do, is give head pats to everyone!" Cheered Ivan, petting Natasha and Jarvis vigorously. "We could probably just like, go find Giratina. I'm not entirely sure on whether or not that whole embarrassment earlier was real or just an act." Offered Jirachi. "Oh right, I did send her here. Well, let's split up gang!" Ordered Ivan, immediately running out of the room. Naturally, Jirachi was towed behind him and the rest of the group split up and went into different directions.

"Hopefully, Giratina was serious when she attempted to persuade me to getting into a relationship." Said Ivan to himself. "Yeah, it would be great if Giratina was actually in love with you and a masochist for no apparent reason." Said Jirachi sarcastically. "If I were a masochist, where would I be?" Pondered Ivan, attempting to recollect any hints as to where she could be. "Maybe we should check your bed, she did specifically say that she would be there waiting for you." Suggested Jirachi.

"Oh right, how did I forget that?" Agreed Ivan. They hurried off to Ivan's room, not finding Giratina. Ivan, checked the bed closely, still not discovering her. "The bed is soggy." Commented Jirachi, shaking his hand to try to clean himself off. "Then she must of gone somewhere into the forest." Said Ivan. "Or she fled the mansion so they could possess Janet continuously." Replied Jirachi. "Then she couldn't be very far because Janet is slow." Added Ivan.

They sprinted out of the mansion, waving to Natasha along the way as they reached a place that was imbued with an aura of embarrassingly serious attraction so powerful that Ivan was practically dragged to the source. "Oh no! I didn't hold up to my word, I hope you don't punish me." Squealed Giratina, tangled in what seemed to be a length of rope that stretched to the top of the tree she was hanging from. "If you did I couldn't possibly stop you. I'm stuck in this rope, unable to stand against your will." Continued Giratina, shaking in anticipation.

"How about we have a cake back at the mansion instead." Offered Ivan smugly. "But, I wasn't where I told you I would be." Argued Giratina, demoralized. "Maybe you just forgot and got stuck in that rope so you couldn't get back when you remembered." Dismissed Ivan. "Aren't you at least a little mad at me for being naughty?" Asked Giratina weakly. "I can't blame you, you haven't talked to anyone for so long. I bet you were just overexcited and forgot about it. So let's have a cake after we get you down from there." Chuckled Ivan, beginning to untangle her.

"And you're sure you aren't mad at me?" Questioned Giratina. "Nope." Replied Ivan. Ivan lifted Giratina and carried her back to the mansion, where he proceeded to personally bake her a cake and force her to sit there and watch. "You know, this is really making me feel bad for betraying your trust like earlier." Said Giratina, felling guilty. "Nonsense, just wait for the cake to get baked so I can finish it." Laughed Ivan, exiting the room. "You're just doing that because you know you can't just punch her aren't you." Accursed Jirachi cheerfully.

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