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Two people sat within an old,classic military base in Hereford. One was a woman with red hair and pale skin contained in a baseball cap,a long sleeve and a pair of dog tags around her neck. The other was a smaller man;one with a beard and a set of glasses in more formal clothing. An assistant brought the two a coffee before exiting

"Thank you." The man thanked the secretary. The redhead waited for them to be alone before speaking. She was not as enthused as him and it showed...Once the door locked behind her,she spoke.

"We're already divided,Harry.I told you this years ago,and now Kali and her cronies are—"

"We need everyone we can take now,Eliza." Harry cut,rubbing his temples as he stared into the caffeinated drink.

"You know what I mean." Eliza rolled her eyes; "Any unknowns are a risk,I mean do we even know her background?A mutual contact?."

"I took your recommendations." he countered as he took a sip. He reached in the desk,fishing something out only after completing a biometric scan of his hand.

"They weren't potential threats." Ash stood her ground.

"Technically,potential means you are,you can't know something,and believe it to be true at the same time." "Besides,"Harry set a tablet down facing toward Ash.

On the screen was confidential information on their newest soldier. Along with additional intel, there were comments on their service record that weren't hidden in black ink.

"—This was Hibana's recommendation,another one in just a week.She's taking this squad thing very seriously.A lot of friends we don't know about."

Most of what wasn't slathered in black ink described a US Army Ranger by the designation "Roze...and her background as a hunter/tracker from the Colorado mountains...Going along with blazing fast promotions to sergeant at the ripe age of—22." Eliza shook her head as she looked back up to Harry.

"I don't know about this.Everything's unraveling at record times this year..." The woman stared at the file,eyeing the highly customized multicam in the only picture they'd received of their newest visitor...

"Yes,I know...but there are weapons out there in the wrong hands,we can't fall apart right now.Yumiko is gathering a team for our next phase...I wanted to test her first." He took a sip,reading the part where their relevant experience was listed...

"JSOC...75th Ranger Regiment,multiple joint ops with international units.Hunter/Tracker specialist...Says they excelled in small unit tactics and deep cover-raids,expected of any Ranger of course.Think they'll be here soon,too.Hibana wants to be present as well."

"Do the others know?" The woman worried about the other's reception of them.

"Doubt all of them.But they will soon,between Taina and Ghosteyes,the intel folks'll definitely find a way around before they get here..."

Morning had arrived quickly for our resident Shadow,who'd awoken to a view of the descending clouds.Roze exited the makeshift cot she'd made out of the seating,making her way to the cockpit for an update.

They were just over England now.Right on time,she'd figured.

It was a strange feeling,being shipped out alone to a place with people you didn't know.Felt like basic all over again,but the thought of that only made her zip her bag faster.

"Gonna wanna wrap it up now,lady!Im setting 'er down in five!" Came the wizened voice of her pilot over the intercom. "Enjoy the bleary weather and atmosphere of the UK,it builds character!" Was the last line before the intercom went off with a beep,leaving her to secure her weapons.

Lone Shadow [R6 X Modern Warfare]Where stories live. Discover now