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Chapter 6: A Soft Romance

******  Hi! Guys After a Long I am Back I took a break to gather my imaginary power to write this story, recently I went through some situations so didn't updated my book.

tq guys for staying this long with me.  ******

the best of my life during my bad situations is my baby sister @Pranita_Banerjee she gave me her shoulder to cry on. she is one who...... I cant explain my in words but i can say TQ to her, TQ dear sister.

P.Phayu couldn't stop thinking about Rain. His heart raced every time he thought of him, and he couldn't wait to see him again. He wanted to spend all his time with him, but he knew he had to take care of his friendship with Prapai too.

One day, as he was hanging out with Ryan (introducing a new character friend of both prapai and P.Phayu), his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Rain.

"Hey, Rain," he said, his heart pounding.

"Hey, P.Phayu. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my place tonight. We could watch a movie or something," Rain said, his voice soft.

P. Phayu's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe that Rain was inviting him over to his house. "Yeah, that sounds great. What time should I come?"

"Is 7 PM okay with you?" Rain asked.

"Yeah, that's perfect," P.Phayusaid, trying to hide the excitement in his voice.

As he hung up the phone, he realized that he had forgotten about the argument with Prapai. He knew he had to deal with it, but he didn't want it to ruin his date with Rain.

He called Prapai and they agreed to meet at a coffee shop near Rain's house. As they sat down with their drinks, P.Phayu tried to broach the subject.

"Prapai, I'm sorry about what I said the other day. I just don't want you to get hurt by Sky," P.Phayu said, his voice soft.

"I know, P.Phayu. And I appreciate that you care about me. But I think you're wrong about Sky. He's a good guy," Prapai said, his eyes pleading.

P.Phayu didn't know what to say. He didn't want to hurt Prapai, but he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about Sky.

As they finished their drinks, P.Phayu's phone buzzed. It was a text from Rain, asking him if he was on his way.

"I gotta go, Prapai. Rain's waiting for me," P.Phayu said, standing up.

Prapai looked at him with a sad expression. "I hope you have a good time, P.Phayu. And I hope we can figure out our problems soon."

P.Phayu nodded, feeling guilty as he rushed out of the coffee shop.

As he walked to Rain's house, he couldn't stop thinking about Prapai and Sky. He knew he had to find a way to resolve their issues, but for now, he just wanted to enjoy his time with Rain.

When he arrived at Rain's house, he was greeted with a warm smile and a hug. They spent the evening watching movies and cuddling on the couch, and P.Phayu felt like he was in a dream.

As the night wore on, he knew he had to go home. But he didn't want to leave Rain's side.

"I don't want to go," P.Phayu said, his voice soft.

Rain smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Then don't. You can stay here with me tonight."

P.Phayu's heart leaped with joy as he snuggled closer to Rain on the couch. He knew that he had to face his problems with Prapai eventually, but for now, he just wanted to enjoy the soft romance with Rain.

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