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Chapter 11: Exam Season

As the days went by, Sky and Rain found themselves caught up in the busy exam season. They had been studying hard for weeks, trying to keep up with their coursework and prepare for their exams.

Despite their hectic schedules, they still made time for P.Phayu and Prapai. They would often meet up with them after class or on the weekends to hang out and catch up on the latest gossip.

One evening, Sky and Rain invited P.Phayu and Prapai over to their apartment for a study session. They had planned to spend the evening going over their notes and helping each other prepare for their upcoming exams.

As they settled in at the table, Sky and Rain pulled out their textbooks and started to go over the material. P.Phayu and Prapai followed suit, digging into their own books and notes.

The room was quiet, with only the sound of pages turning and pencils scratching on paper. They were all focused on their work, determined to do their best on the exams.

As the evening wore on, Sky and Rain started to get restless. They had been studying for hours, and their brains were starting to feel fried.

"Hey, let's take a break," Sky suggested, looking up from his book. "I need to stretch my legs."

Rain nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's take a walk or something. Get some fresh air."

P.Phayu and Prapai looked up from their books, grateful for the distraction. They had been so focused on studying that they had almost forgotten about the outside world.

They all grabbed their jackets and headed out into the cool evening air. They walked around the campus, chatting and laughing as they went.

As they walked, Sky and Rain started to talk about their dreams for the future. They talked about their plans to become successful businessmen and travel the world.

P.Phayu and Prapai listened intently, feeling a sense of admiration for their friends' ambition and drive.

"I don't know how you guys do it," P.Phayu said, shaking his head. "I can barely keep up with my studies, let alone think about the future."

Rain smiled reassuringly. "It's all about setting goals and working towards them. You guys have goals too, right?"

P.Phayu and Prapai exchanged a glance, thinking about their dreams of becoming professional racers. They had been so focused on their studies that they had almost forgotten about their passion for racing.

"Yeah, we do," Prapai said, a determined look in his eye. "We want to be the best racers we can be."

Sky grinned. "That's the spirit. You guys can do anything you set your minds to."

As they walked back to the apartment, P.Phayu and Prapai felt a sense of excitement and determination. They knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but they were ready to work hard and chase their dreams.

The night ended with them all cuddled up together, talking about their plans for the future and feeling a sense of camaraderie and friendship. As they drifted off to sleep, they knew that their love and their passion for life would carry them through even the toughest of challenges.

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