Five Stages of Grief

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"I'm sorry..." Mei whisper to Mk as she blasted away with the samadhi fire. As they watched Mei disappear out of sight Pigsy turned towards Monkey King, "I knew you were hiding something!" Pigsy squealed at the simian. Wukong did nothing but stare at the pig and then turned his gaze at Mk who looked at him with confusion, later returning his gaze to the angered pig "I-... I Didn't mean for any of this to happen to Mei or-" as he was going to explain Pigsy interrupted him," So you decide to keep all this information to yourself instead of telling us, so we can work together!?" Pigsy pointed out angrily.

Sandy soon intervened also stopping Pigsy before he got to do anything further, "Pigsy we should let him explain himself instead of jumping into conclusions" Sandy said in a calm tone to reassure Pigsy. After a few seconds of thinking Pigsy finally mumbled "Fine...." annoyingly. Everyone's focus goes to Wukong waiting for a explanation.
Wukong sighs as he starts to explain, "My plan was to get the Samadhi fire out of Mei, without hurting her. Then I could put it inside myself. Then I could've use it to burn up the Lady Bone Demon!, but seeing as that plan went down the drain it wasn't going to happen heheh..." he chuckled nervously, "yeah no shit Sherlock!" Pigsy glared at the monkey but none of them noticed Mk also glaring at the simian too, except Nezha. 'Is no one else noticing him glaring intensely at Wukong?' Nezha thought to himself as he looks at around realizing that no one was paying attention.

But Nezha's thoughts were interrupted by a "oof", looking for the source of the sound he sees Mk and Wukong face to face. "Woah! Hey kiddo calm down!" Wukong said in a shocked tone, but Mk wasn't having it "Calm down. CALM DOWN!. I have the right to be UPSET!" Mk said furiously, shoving Wukong again and again almost causing him to fall.
"Hey! Wait kid listen please-" Wukong trying to calm him down until he nearly got punched in the face by him but was held back by Tang," You got some NERVE to even try to laugh it off like it was nothing when you nearly killed my best friend!" Mk yelled as he was pulled back.
Nezha soon got between the two just in case Mk tries to strike at Wukong again, "Mk please you need to calm down!" Tang said while struggling to keep Mk still," Kid look, I know you're frustrated at him so am I! But we can't be going at each other's throats right now" Pigsy said as he looked at Mk with a concerned look. Tang gave Pigsy a look that said 'Didn't you just try to go at Monkey Kings throat just a few seconds ago?', Pigsy just gave him a dirty look and turned away looking towards Monkey King.

Wukong looking directly back at Pigsy to see if Mk was alright but Pigsy just shook his head. 'I've never seen Mk that angry before' Wukong thought to himself but soon was interrupted by Nezha touching his shoulder spooking him while at it, "You alright Wukong?" he asked in a concerned tone, "Yeah just-..seeing Mk that frustrated and angry made me feel weird..." he said looking down at the ground avoiding eye contact but soon changed when Nezha mentioned something that caught him off guard, "when the others were talking he was glaring at you like a wild animal looking at his prey and his aura was different from before..." Nezha noted as he peaked at Wukong to see a shocked reaction. 'I guess that's not normal from Wukong's reaction.... Crap' Nezha thought

"------ ------ -----" Wukong mumbled something but not loud enough for Nezha to hear but he saw his mouth move a little, "Did you say something Wukong?" Nezha lowered himself to get closer to him to hear. "I'm going to fight the LBD by myself...." he repeated once again but loud enough for everyone to hear.

           (Everyone's Reaction) "WHAT!?" everyone screamed, "Hold on you gotta be losing your mind thinking you can handle the LBD alone" Nezha said in a serious tone

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       (Everyone's Reaction)
"WHAT!?" everyone screamed, "Hold on you gotta be losing your mind thinking you can handle the LBD alone" Nezha said in a serious tone. Wukong looked at Nezha then at everyone, "I've defeated her before I can do it again, I don't want to hurt anyone any further than I have" Wukong looks back at them before jumping on his nimbus and flew away leaving everyone stunned. Tang felt warm then hot, "Ummm... Mk you alright you're getting really hot?" he asked nervously as he looked down at Mk but can barely see his face.
Mk walked towards where Wukong just jumped off and looked at the sky in silence, "Mk it's alright we can find both of them and fight LBD together as a tea-" Tang was quickly interrupted, "Quiet!" Mk snapped. Everyone looked at him in shock and concern as he starts to speak again, "I'm so tired of being left behind, betrayed, and looked down on.... I'm just done" he grumbled as he whispered the last part as Nezha went closer to the rest of the crew, "Yeah hell nahh...we gotta go like NOW!" as Nezha was prepared for Mk to strike Sandy grabbed Pigsy and Tang and left without hesitation. Nezha peaked over his shoulder to see if they got enough distance so they wouldn't get hurt but soon felt a strong energy being thrown at him, luckily he was fast enough to block the attack and saw Mk in his monkey form, "Crap-" he mumbled also noticing the fact that the boys punch was about to break his spear into two.

(Did I do good guys?, I feel like I did good😭)

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