Double Trouble

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Mei: "Do you think they're alright?"

Tang: "Hm?"

Tang looked at the back of the van to see Mei peaking out of the small window of the back door, he got up and walked up to stand beside her to see what she's looking at.
There was nothing to see with the clouds in the way but saw flashes of light twirling around in the sky; gold, purple and amber flashes crackling in the sky like fireworks.

Tang: "Wukongs able to hold Berserk back, along with Macaque being by his side, they'll be fine."

Mei just nodded as she sits down looking through her photos on her phone, while Tang went back to his seat where Sandy and Pigsy were at. Sandy looked at everyone and saw how nervous and sad they were about the whole situation.

Sandy: "We should head to Dbk's place to see if he's hidden there!"

He's trying his best to keep their hopes up but Pigsy gives him a questionable look as he at Sandy then at Mei.

Pigsy: "How are you hundred percent sure that he's there?"

Sandy wasn't sure either but it wouldn't hurt to at least check, he even thought Mei agreed since she was now between the seats in the front of the van as they were. So Sandy turned the van to the direction of Dbk's palace to find Redson.

Tang: "Mei and I will go inside while you two stay outside to see if Berserk's out there."

  The three of them nod in agreement, seeing the silhouette of the palace in the distance, it makes Mei's gut churn as she got ready along side Tang. He patted her shoulder to reassure her that everything will be fine as well as Redson and possibly his parents too, Mei gave a soft smile as she opened the back door to jump out as they were above the bull kings palace already. There were a tone of bull clones around but they were able to get through till they saw Pif. . . . .

Mei: "Hey!"

Mei whispered yelled to Pif, getting her attention but it was obvious because it kind of echoed. Pif gave her a confused but suspicious look as she walked up to Mei and Tang.

Pif: "What are you doing here?"

Mei: "We're looking for Redson!"

Mei said as she checked the area for anything that could possibly attack them, only to see IronFan looking at her like she has three heads.

Pif: "He's probably in the kitchen, heard some noise from there-"

Mei: " K thanks!"

Mei grabbed Tangs wrist and ran off to find the kitchen to see Redson. Tang tried to slow Mei down but it was already too late as they were already in the kitchen seeing a surprised Redson and a confused Bai he, Mei immediately jumped in Redson's arms as she starts rambling about how she thought he was dead.

Redson: "Hey, get off you PEASANT! How did you even get here?"

Mei: "Sandy suggested that we should search here first to save you! Did he hurt you?"

Redson: "No I'm fine, can you stop climbing on me for the love of-wait....."

Mei: "what?"

Redson: "Did Berserk find you guys and did he follow you?"

Redson gave Mei a stern look as he kept her still by holding her shoulders, looking for any signs of lying but Tang spoke up before she could.

Tang: "Wukong and Macaque are keeping his busy while we find a new place to stay hidden, so we should start heading out soon...."

Redson didn't feel comfortable leaving....didn't feel safe. Knowing that Berserk will tear everything apart or anyone just to find him, just by how he acts around him. Flinching when Mei grabs his hand to follow her out but he stayed in the same spot, looking at the ground trying to convince himself that he should go but it's not convincing enough.

Mei: "You gotta trust me on this don't want to stay here when he comes back, please."

  Redson finally looks into her eyes and nods his head, even though he didn't want to leave his parents behind for Berserk to find them. Bai he went with them as well, Tang and Mei asked her questions about the Lbd on the way out, Redson made sure to leave a note behind for his parents....
Berserk grabbed Macaque by the neck and shot him down to the bottom of the mountain before blocking Wukongs clones, he was moving the fight towards Dbk's palace.

Macaque: "Dammit-He's going towards the others!"

Wukong: "Just block his path!"

Both of them got in front of Berserk; Wukong locking his arms around Berserk's waist to shove him back and Macaque hit him in the head with his staff which kind of worked as Berserk's head went back, his body was limb.

Wukong: "Did we do it?"

He kept his arms locked around him as he leaned forward to see Berserk's face, flinching once he sees Berserk staring right back at him as he slammed his head against Wukong's, causing blood to come out of his nose. Wukong groaned as he placed a hand on his face but he got kicked away like a god damn soccer ball, on the other hand Macaque uses his kaiju form to crush Berserk with his giant hand.
Nothing happened as Wukong got back up near Macaques head to see if he had finally stopped, an energy blast nearly took them out when Berserk flew past. They turned around to land a attack but he was already gone......"shit."
The Pigsy and Sandy saw something shine from afar but before they could say anything to warn Tang and Mei, he already flown into the palace making large debris shoot past the van. While the the group inside covered themselves from getting hit as parts of the roof almost crushes them, Redson was the first one to look up to see who it was even though he knew it was Berserk.

Mei snapped Redson out of it, grabbing his arm and running away from the scene. Tang and Bai he went to the van as they already planned something if this were to happen, he prepared himself as he waited for the signal. Mei kept taking turns to lose Berserk, almost making him trip over his own feet.

Redson: "Mei-Slow down!"

Mei: "Sorry-can't really when he's right behind us!"

Redson looks back and doesn't see anything, turning back to see Mei stop in a large room with tons of windows. There was nothing in the room except their heavy breathing echoing throughout the room before hearing footsteps behind them making Mei take her sword out.
  Redson got ready but he wasn't sure he'll be able to hit him even though he knows it's not actually Mk with them, it still didn't feel right. They both searched the room as more footsteps echoed more-and-more, hearing chuckles that were way too sane for someone that wants to kill and destroy everything or anyone. Everything got silent, only hearing their heartbeats and breathing quickening before hearing his footsteps again going right behind Redson....behind him....

Redson: "MEI!-"

(1204 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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