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    Nezha watched as his spear was going to snap into two and he had to think fast before he gets sucker punched in the face "You need to snap out of it Mk!!" Nezha said as he kicked Mk on the side to get him off.
When he looked in the boys eye's he noticed them turning black then heard a echoey voice "Mk isn't here at the moment" as he looks down at Nezha "Than who am I speaking to?" the prince said in a questioning tone, the unknown entity just chuckled when he slid back from the kick then lunged forwards him as Nezha was getting ready to strike the entity with his spear.

As the two were about to collide there was a bright gold light, it came from a spirit monkey which seems to be wearing a bandana. The little spirit watched the battle in front of them until it saw the Prince's spear lounge into the simians head causing the spirit to jump, "JESUS" the spirit chirped. The monkey looked to where the spear had came from and saw Nezha standing there looking at the motionless body, "DDAAYYYUUMMM" the lotus prince said in a disgusted tone seeing how his spear is in its forehead.

The body twitched a few times before sitting up looking at Nezha with the spear still attached to his head, the simian hissed as he went to try to pull the spear out and Nezha took this as his sign to start leaving to find Wukong.

While Nezha was running to his vehicle the little spirit tagged along as it was already in it, as he was making it in his vehicle, the spear that he used on "Mk" fly's past him nearly hitting him but hit Nezha's vehicle instead, making explode and sending the spirit flying somewhere. 'WTH- nah jit trippin, I gotta fly now' Nezha thought to himself as he jumped off the cliff and starts heading towards where Wukong flew off to. As for the little monkey spirit, he was thrown towards a pile of snow. while trying to get up he slipped into a giant hole that was randomly put in the ground.
Berserk stared off into the sky seeing Nezha leave, he felt multiple energy power in that direction and was curious on what it was until Wukong's face appeared in his mind "Ew 😐" is all he said after seeing that horrible image. He stood there for a while thinking about what to do next, either go find the others or follow Nezha to that strong source and take it from them. Jumping off the cliff to go towards where Nezha went as he plastered a twisted grin across his face.

Back to the little spirit falling in a big ass hole, it saw something below them and as it kept getting closer-and-closer it saw the scholar and the pig talking or arguing about something. "OH CRAP WATCH OUT!!" the small monkey screeched as it slammed on the scholars head causing the poor man scream in terror, the scholar proceeds to squirm around to the point of throwing the little spirit onto the ground earning a small squeak.

"MK?!" Tang said in shocked and confusion as he saw Mk on the ground rubbing his head from being thrown to the ground. Mk looked up at the scholar with a look that said 'you goin to apologize for throwing me on the ground?🤨' his thoughts were soon interrupted by Tang grabbing him into a tight hug "Mr. Tang you're crushing me aagggggnsjsj!" Mk cried as Tang finally let go as soon as he realised something, "Wait how are you here weren't you just trying to murder us few minutes ago?" he questioned with a nervous look on his face. " That wasn't me, it's a total different person or entity controlling my body, his name is "Berserk" if I remember correctly.." the little monkey said in a unsure tone while scratching his chin. Tang was going to ask him another question till Pigsy joined the conversation, "Tang you alright your glasses flew off and who are you talking to?" Pigsy looked at him worryingly. "Oh! Thank you Pigsy, I'm alright I was just talking to Mk" the scholar said in a cheery tone as he reassured the worried pig.

"WHERE ARE YOU-YOU PUNK!!" the pig squealed as he picked up the scholar to see if the young boy was hiding behind him but his kid was not to be seen anywhere. "You shouldn't have told him that Tang, he can't see me like you can....." Mk mentioned to Tang with a sad look, "oh-um, Pigsy you won't be able to see him because he's stuck in his spirit form... also not able to take control his body cause some powerful entity is controlling it..." he tried to explain to Pigsy in the simplest way as possible. Pigsy was letting this new information soak in until a question came into mind "So whatcha sayin is that Mk's body is possessed by something... something like the LBD or just a random entity?" Pigsy asked trying his best to understand, Tang turned to Mk then back to Pigsy finally putting together the right response "Mk didn't say it was LBD but did say that the entitys name is "Berserk"". Even though they got some information about what's going on they were still confused on who Berserk is and what exactly they are.

The couple started to ask each other questions on how this is going to work since they don't know anything about the entity, they got so into their conversation that they forgot Mk was there "Guys!?... DAD!?" Mk tried to get someone's attention even though he can only get Tangs attention but if Pigsy were to put him down he would've gotten it.
'UGH!, looks like I'm alone again.... Wait-what if He can help me out!' Mk thought to himself as galloped to the portal he made leaving the couple to their questioning conversation.

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                     (1013 words) 👀              RRRRAAAAAHHHHH👹👹

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