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On the other side of the portal there's mountains and a gaintass mech with one battle going on around it, and one in the mountains. As he's looking, he sees one bird that had a black, red, and blond-gold? What ever you call it and noticed it was Macaque hovering over the mountains watching the battle from a far, but not far enough to nearly getting hit by a blast making the poor hawk squak in shock.

"Macaque!" Mk chirps happily as he starts galloping towards Macaque's direction but kept a close eye on the battle on the left side of him trying not to get hit by them.
Macaque was confused on what was going on in the battle on his left side cause he sees Nezha and "Mk" going at each others throats well one of them, but he noticed the way Mk looked and how he was fighting Nezha. He saw how Nezha was flying to where Wukong was-well trying to at least but was either slammed or nearly blasted away by the simian, even though he felt bad for Nezha taking the beating all by himself, Macaque had other things to do like watching Wukong and the LBD fight. 'Sorry Nezha, I was going to follow you guys but I might get hit just for getting too close' he sweatdropped before flying off to the other battle.

Nezha flew up higher to get away and get a better view to see where Berserk was but didn't see him anywhere. "Where did this strength and speed come from? I can't even see when he strikes" the prince says in frustration, then he felt a breath on the back of neck as Berserk was behind him chuckling " Hi :)" he said before side kicking Nezha through a mountain. Berserk was making sure he was beating the prince towards the mech where the so called powerful sources are at, so he can take all the energy from them and use it for his future plans. All four of them went towards LBD's mech while bringing another dangerous being with them.

At LBD's mech:
Wukong and the Mayor were fighting as LBD looks off in the distance as she senses something coming towards them fast, but was Interrupptedly kicked from behind by Wukong. LBD kept throwing attacks at Wukong trying to keep distance between them but Wukong was too quick for her and was already behind he ready to strike again, "RRAAAAA" Wukong cried as he was going to attack. The Mayor comes around the corner and shoves Wukong with a punch thrown in there too, the two started ganging up on Wukong until they heard a scream from above. "Is that star screaming?" as it came closer they dodged it as they saw a glimpse of who was screaming, "Nezha?!" Wukong finally spoke in shock then saw what he thought was Mk but he looked different and beaten up also a big ass hole in his forehead.

"So the delivery boy was the one with that strange energy" LBD said as she floated slowly back to the ground. She went to walk towards Mk but the Mayor blocked her for going any further, LBD looked at him confused as to why he stopped her but saw how nervous he was and Wukong's face was mixed with emotions not sure how to feel about this situation in front of them.
As they watch the crater continue to fume smoke out of it they see a Silhouette of a simian walking their direction, they see a all beaten up "Mk" with smoke coming off his body. Wukong starts walking to what he thinks is Mk that's till he hears a echoey growl as he continues to walk to him, until the boy sprinted towards the startled simian. But luck for him he was fast enough to move his head away from the punch as it hit something else. Wukong turned around to see what Mk hit, the smoke finally getting out of his view to see the mayor under the boys hold. Probably dead but doesn't really matter to monkey King right now, he needs to focus on what's in front of him now and that's Mk.

"Heya bud you good? You look different there kiddo" Wukong tried to break the awkward silence floating around. That's when Wukong got a good look at his students actual condition "Woah what happened to you bud, your eyes are different and, you're burnt and beaten up?!" Wukong screamed as he kept looking up and down to see anymore injuries. However, he was shot by a blast of energy from the boy as Berserk thought he got Wukong but he was so wrong. There sitting there was the monkey King on his nimbus with a discomfort look written all over his face, "You're not my kid" he threatened. "Took you long enough to realize" Berserk rolled his eyes and frowned, He quickly strikes Wukong as he let's down his guard. As this was happening LBD was watching from a far distance, observing her next target or hostess as for her old one can't handle much of her power anymore.

A big explosion was heard from far, it being quiet for a few seconds till she saw two forces of energy or power coming towards her way. One color was gold and the other was a Reddish-orange energy force, they were coming straight towards her in a fast pace "MOVE BITCH!" Wukong shoved the LBD out the way before she could say anything Berserk punched the shit out of her.
"Stop running away and fight me you damn loser!!" Berserk said annoyingly as he kept chasing monkey King around LBD's mech. Wukong shrunk himself to squeeze in the mech to get away from Berserk, "You can't always hide away from your problems Wukong" he teased. Wukong ignored him and tried to look for solutions to either stop Berserk or get away as fast as possible, 'fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!'
Wukong frenetically tried to move faster as he saw Berserk getting closer to him.

The mech explodes, as the LBD gets up... Well tries to at least. "Ugh" she grumbles on the way out of the crater, that's when she senses the samadhi fire and uses the last bit of energy to go towards it.
But she doesn't notice Berserk was behind her watching hesitantly cause he's curious on where she's going till he senses it too, he grins widely as he uses his nimbus (yes he has one too) to follow.... Macaque watches all of this happen and fly's to where the mech was. He shifts back and starts digging to find Wukong, he catches a glimpse of gold light in the corner of his eye and quickly turns around to see a little  spirit monkey. "Macaque it's me Mk!" he chirped jumping on the confused Macaque "Umm.... Heya bud you look nice?" he tried to pick the conversation back up as he was just staring at the little monkey in front of him.

"OH! Follow me I know where monkey King is buried!" Mk lead Macaque in a certain direction which was behind where the mech was supposed to be. They hear grunting as they got closer and closer to the missing simian. "Monkey King!" Mk ran up to Wukong startling the poor simian, Wukong turned and saw Mk in his spirit form but as a monkey then he turned and saw Macaque behind Mk. Wukong and Macaque just frowned looking at each other but then Macaque grabbed his arm and yanked him out of the debri." Ow ass hole!" he yellped as he yanks his arm out of Macaque's grip and rubs it "You're Welcome" he grinned. Wukong felt his tail get tugged on he turned and saw Mk looking at him with a nervous look "What's wrong bud?" he knelt down to Mk's level "We need to check on Nezha and get Mei and Redson before the LBD does!" Mk squealed but Wukong pinched his lips to silenced him before he continued any longer. "We'll get to them bud calm down plus we got copy cat over that can teleport us there in no time!" he looked over his shoulder to see Macaque and chuckles, "SHUT TF UP!" Macaque snaps back till he got interrupted again "Alright let's go find Nezha" he sighs. They walk back to the front of the mech to find Nezha and Mk stares at the sky wondering how the others are doing.


                      (1430 Words)

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