Annoying Brat

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(Sorry for making you guys wait, I'll be posting more on the weekends...... Possibly)
Berserk: "Stay. Still-"

Bai he: "No!"

     That earned a groan from Berserk as he walks through the palace halls, trying his best to not make so much noise for the little bull minions to hear. Bai he on the other hand, had different plans as she wiggled around by Berserk's hip and tries to bite him but It doesn't work when he hovers her above the ground away from reach with his tail.

Berserk: "This is ridiculous....... can't believe I got stuck with some BRAT"

   Opening the door to Redson's room as he sees them awake near the fireplace. They both stare at each other before Redson notices the girl behind him.

Redson: "Isn't that the Lady Bone Demon's host?"

Berserk: "Yeah.....annoying asf"

   He grumbles under his breath as he ties her up in the corner and walks up to Redson, plopping himself next to them with an 'oof'.

Redson: "That means the lbd is still out there looking for a new host...."

   Berserk takes notice of Redson's behavior and sits up, kneeling in front of them as he stares at Redson's eye's. Sighing as he finally makes his decision to search for the bone demon so they can be at ease, but it won't be easy to find her unless........................ The Mayor.

  Berserk gets up with a huff, dragging his legs to the door to start searching for the crack head but looks back at Redson...

Berserk: "Keep an eye on the girl, I'll be back...." Shooting one last glare at the girl as he left the room.
  Redson and Bai he stare at the door he left out of in awkward silence before he cleared his throat to cut through the silence.

Redson: "Hungry?...."

Bai he was indeed hungry but didn't respond as she just stared at him, making him figet nervously with his fingers as he gets up to go grab something. Luckily he rested enough for him to be able to move around without help, he didn't know what to give her since she isn't speaking so he made her a sandwich and a bowl of fruits that he found.
  He untied her and gave her some space as he sat in the nest of blankets and pillows that Berserk made for him. Bai he was skeptical of the food at first but gave in when her stomach grumbled, but stayed in her little corner.
[Meanwhile with Berserk]

    Berserk was currently at the destroyed kaiju mech that belonged to the lbd, searching the area to see if the creep was still hanging around. He indeed found him but Macaque took him into one of his shadow portals, but now he had the scent of the two to track them down.
He's sure Mk could sense him coming so it wouldn't be completely sneaky or an surprise to them, which would make it less fun for him.

After minutes of tracking them down he was back where he started or arrived, anyways he found a big ass hole in the ground and instantly jumped in while he chuckled like a maniac.

He should be worried or at least paying attention to the group to see if they're planning to attack him all at once but nope, he jumped into the fight without a plan. Plans are for weaklings anyways...................
As soon as he lands he was hit in the gut by Wukong as the others got in Sandy's van to escape.

Berserk: "You motherfu-"

Mei: "Where's Redson!-"

Wukong: "Mei this is not the time, go!"

Wukong yelled back as he kept his attention towards Berserk, he was unsure how to stop him but he's sure he can keep him distracted till they got away.

Berserk: "awww~ scared you'll hurt your student, leave scars all over his fragile body hehe...."

Macaque: "Shut up!"

Macaque smacked the living shit out of Berserk's head with his staff, it moved him out of his spot a couple feet but he just turns to look at Macaque. The stare itself made Macaque back up to Wukongs side in their fighting stance.

It was hard to breathe as the air felt heavy, breathing more heavily as Berserk took a step towards them. Macaque felt like he was going to puke with the amount of pressure around him, while Wukong was sweating bullets as he felt the tension coming from Berserk......
"Soooooooooo..... Why are you here?"
Bai he asked as she was now beside the bull prince, keeping warm in front of the fireplace.

Redson: "I don't know actually..... He just brought me here.."
   Redson looked up at the ceiling to think as he twirled a strand of hair, Berserk didn't really explain why he kept him alive....what could he possibly want from him anyways? He can't really be that helpful anyways in this kind of state anyways, so what is it?

Bai he: "You okay?"

Redson:"Oh-um yes! I'm gonna go get some air, want to join?"

Redson got up from his spot and took his time walking to the door to see if she wanted to tag along, since they've been sitting in the same room for almost an hour. She got up as well, leaving the room and waiting for Redson to show her around.

Redson: "Do you know why he brought you here?"

Bai he: "To make sure the lbd didn't come back to me.... I think?"

She shrugged her shoulders, not really wanting to talk about what happened between to her and Berserk. Bai he picked at the string of her sweater to distract herself from the memory of the fight, Redson knew that feeling so he let it go as he kept walking to the kitchen.
Once they arrived in the kitchen, Redson started to cook something for himself... maybe some for Berserk too- wait why should he cook for him? He literally kidnapped the both of them. Turning to glance back at Bai he to see her with a piece of paper and a pen, writing something down.

Redson: "what are you doing?...."

Bai he: "making a escape plan, duh!"

Redson felt a chill down his spine, for some reason he didn't feel comfortable escaping while Berserk's gone. Was he scared? Yeah sure after what he saw that Berserk could possibly do to him, he'll just wait for an rescue.
Redson could ask his parents to help him but he had heard what happened to them outside his room when they saw Berserk inside their home, would he be able to escape without him noticing?

Redson: "I won't join in with your escape but I'll try to help...."

Bai he stares at Redson with a displeased look,
Bai he: "your just gonna let him kill you?"

Redson: "What? No, if he wanted me dead he would've done it the moment we saw each other!"

Bai he: "So? He can change his mind at any moment!"

She argued back, slamming the pen against the table. Redson just glares at the girl before going back to cooking, grumbling under his breath.

Redson: "He was right, you are annoying...."
(1198 words)

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