Chapter six

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Arche woke up when a loud noise came from the main cave, She got up and ran to the entrance only to watch as Zion was pinned to the ground and Timber fighting off an seawing, Openfire was behind a wall with Sunstroke, Hydrocephalus and Sonar was also fighting off dragons, Rougewave was hiding in a pool of water.

The randomly a spear and the weird metal thing was flying around, Though unlike the spear the metal thing would fall to the ground, Arche looked up fo see Rougewave growling at another cyberwing and a strange dragon.

Hydrocephalus was on the ground bleeding out of his neck and his left eye was gone..

Openfire was running around the medbay and seemed to be panicking, Sunstroke was with her trying to calm the crimson hivewing down.

Sonar was now fighting the other Cyberwing and seemed to be winning until another dragon came in, A male Cyberwing much bigger than the other one and grey with purple streaks.

All dragons froze in place when the Cyberwing walked in, Zion growled, Openfire curled up into a ball, Timber layed still possibly dead, Hydrocephalus was definitely dead, Sunstroke trying to hold the medic still and Rougewave was stareing straight at the dragon.

The Cyberwing lunged towards Zion, something flickered inside of Arche making her jump towards the massive Cyberwing knocking him further away from the leader of their group.
"My lord, We need to fall back!" The first cyberwing yelled, The bigger grey Cyberwing nodded then fled, Soon followed by the other one.

Arche only stared all around her, There was blood.. a lot of blood, She almost gagged at the amount she saw.. "Hydrocephalus!" A small skywing called out, She could tell by his dull scales that the skywing had no fire and that he was still young but around Hydrocephalus's age.

"Is he..?" She muttered, She already knew the answer but just wanted to get a closer look at the skywing, Soon the small skywing shook his head and began to sobbing, "Hey, it's alright, Know that he's in a better place now" Openfire said.

The small skywing nodded and went back into the cave he came out of, She felt pity for the skywing... This reminded her of the story the nightwing hybrid told her..

Perhaps the young skywing just needs time or he will become a depressed dragon like the nightwing.. She hoped he wouldn't so he could still live life as he should, "Arche, Thank you" Zion said with soft tears flowing in his eyes, She nodded.

Then a dark blue dragon with black that fades to white wings landed in the entrance of the cave..

(Not going to leave you hanging on another short chapter)

The dragon seemed to be the Nightwing hybrid, "What has happened?" The hybrid asked, Rougewave stared at the dragonet then only at the necklace, "My friends dragonet didn't survive..!?" She yelled.
The hybrid saddened and only looked down at her talons.

"What happened to Amphitrite!" Rougewave then growled taking the nightwing by surprise, "She fought one of our guardians and died.." a small orange rainwing said.

Arche was only confused on what's going on, But she could tell that the nightwing felt guilty of something and the other's were furious with
Rougewave's outburst. "Its not Quitequote's fault you brainless seawing" The rainwing spat back. The fight went back an fourth till another rainwing stepped, this one was blue and yellow much like the sea, "Sunset, calm down. Everyone got hot hard with Amp's death" The blue rainwing said.

She walked over to the nightwing, Setting a talon on her shoulder letting her know that it's ok to leave or cry if she so wanted, To her surprise the nightwing only smiled at her then looked back at her talons, "We should probably leave, Orphal (That is actually how the name is spelt) should be waiting for us" The nightwing said as she and the two rainwings nodded and followed her.

When the group left Arche only scowled at Rougewave, "Why would you yell at her like that?" She asked, " I'm sorry for the out burst Arche but Amp was my friends dragonet.."
That's all Rougewave could say before Zion stepped in, "how about we all calm down and clean up?"

Everyone in the cave agreed, Arche was cleaning the floor of the cave with a strange wooden staff with small strings on it, Rougewave was cleaning the top of the cave, and everyone else was cleaning anywhere they can, Openfire was cleaning the medbay, Turns out that's where one of the invaders went and with Openfire not knowing how to fight Sunstroke fought while Openfire took all the information befor the dragon could get to it.

Even with all this Technology, that's what Arche thought they called it, It seemed hard to live here under a small hill. Even Rougewave finds it hard, That's when a small ringing sound started to go off in her head, She ignored it turning around to face Rougewave, who was now gone? Openfire as well.

Everyone was, That's when splashing could be heard from the main cave, Two dragons with dark brown scales smiled as they pulled Rougewave away, Arche ran after the seawing only to be stopped by another Brown dragon, This one had butiful blue eyes that went soft when they looked at Arche and her wings, Soon she only saw darkness and heard Openfire yell something...

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