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The two dilemmas I face are actually not that complicated when you think about it. The first is how the hell I'm going to get into Altantis—or even find it. The second, of course, is whether Youin, once freed will try to kill my son. He's always been possessive. It doesn't matter the kind of love, he says. Only love me.

He calls me Mine. And the love I have for my child is all consuming. I've never loved anyone or anything more.

You look different he said. Of course he can tell. He's always such an inconvenience and if he weren't so handsome, I think I'd let him rot there. He's obsessed and if I let him out and he doesn't like the fact that I..have a child there's no stopping him.

I would like to say I know with confidence that my...husband would never murder a child in cold blood for something as petty as jealousy.

But of course he would.
And he has.

So back to square one. What's the best option for everyone involved? Maybe I should just take Calder and sail in the opposite direction? Settle down in a desert and...what?

He'll escape. One way or another. Maybe we could seek shelter from another god? But he'd just hunt us harder for have the audacity to cower behind another god.

I am your God. Do not bow before any other.

I wish I had blind faith in the gods like everyone else seems to. But I suppose it because I'm the only human who knows one. I can't imagine...going from having a child to being childless. That loss...

And I don't worry for Calder often. He can't be killed and can barely be harmed...by anything normal. But the gods are not normal. If anyone could destroy him it would be Youin.

I don't know anything about the gods. I don't know what's true in the scriptures. What if he needs something what if he's being held back, having a human mother?

I clench my jaw. Before I save him, I have to reach out and get help. Godly help. A place Youin can't go, just in case. I've only met three gods. The God of War and Love and...Orion. I can't trust that weasel. So the God of War it is. First, I need to get my son.

• • •

The temple is ensnared by the most luminous roses I've ever seen. I step forward looking about with Calder's shoulders under my hands.

"Mom what is this place,"  Calder asks.

The door creaks open as I begin to knock, a now familiar very large man towering over the two of us.

"You have the energy of a god and a somewhat familiar face. Where have I—"

His eyes drop down to Calder who's trembling. His expression brightens. "Oh...is that a little water god? Come in. That's where I know you from. Captain Moira isn't it? Youin's wife."

Oh thank god. I thought we were dead. I have no trouble running a sword through a man, but a god of war? Seems unlikely to go in my favor.

"Yes, thank you for your hospitality."

"But of course. Any friend of the water god is a friend of mine. And his family is always welcome," he smiles. "Where is Youin?"

I shuffle about. "There in lies the trouble actually. He's...indisposed. I have to get him but...I can't bring Calder with me. And as you know he's a demigod. And the only people I know that can help with Demigods..."

Slade looks down at Calder and grins. "He can stay here as long as he needs. Do not worry yourself. Monika and I will take good care of him."

I peer around him, looking for Monika. It'll be good, to have a god—a father figure for him. He's only known me his whole life and I was never much of a mother.

"He doesn't like seafood," I shift, my fingers tightening on Calder's shoulders. "He prefers fruit. And he needs to be soaked in water at least once a week. Salt water at least twice a month."

Calder shifts.

"It's been a while since we've had a child in the house. Monika will be thrilled," Slade says softly, kneeling down, putting his hands on Calder's shoulder. "I'm Slade, God of War. I know your father."

Calder's eyes widen. "You do? What's his name! What's he like? Mom never talks about him."

Slade looks at me inquisitively. I smile tightly. "If Youin comes by...I hope you'll keep Calder's presence a secret. I'm...unsure of his paternity."

Slade raises his brow in clear disbelief. I shrug but don't explain.

"Well...we'll be discreet about our little guest of honor then," Slade turns his attention to Calder. "Would you like to play with a sword from 700 years ago? I used it to slay the last human with magic."

Calder's eyes light up, and his gills flap in obvious excitement. He wriggled from under my hold darting behind Slade and into the temple. I purse my lips.

"Is that...safe for children?" I ask carefully.

Slade shrugs. "For the immortal ones, sure. All my children played with weapons. Captain Moira is...everything alright?"

I swallow. It'll probably be easier if I just leave him here without the long teary goodbye. But I may not be able to see him again for a while. At least until he can hold his own against his father. I can't put him in danger.

I smile. "Everything is fine."

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