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Seven years.
It had been seven years since I'd given birth to Amos.

Seven years.
It had been seven years since Sebastian had to commence his life on the run from the Ministry.

Seven years.
It had been seven years of Ominis in my life as my partner, my anchor, my rock.

Seven years.
It had been seven years since I'd become a mother.

Aranshire had treated us well, we'd been welcomed immediately by the community and although having a child out of wedlock was frowned upon, the people didn't treat us nor Amos any differently.

And honestly, I was content with life, hearing from my friends from time to time and being with Ominis, deciding to stay with him in the end had been the best decision of my life. And Amos, oh... He was the sweetest little boy, always helping me and Ominis out around the house everywhere he could. It warmed my heart to see him and Ominis out and about, having his father teach him spells in ways no other professor at Hogwarts could.

Granted, the school years without Ominis by my side got rather lonely, but he always came home during the weekends, which was a great relief considering I could spend some time running errands and what I needed for the upcoming week. Penny had done a brilliant job running the shop in Hogsmeade for me, after having expanded there with my wares as well. Business was booming, everyone wanted to be wearing my clothing and I was thrilled. Ominis was more than proud of me.

As I was finishing up the dishes, Amos sat reading by the fireplace. Reading up on his father's memoires and I was perfectly content with my life, how it had turned out. An ordinary wizard's wife, a notable witch with a lovely family.

Little did I know all of that would soon be ripped away from me.

Though, as Ominis' key slid into the lock, the familiar footsteps sounding behind me, a wide smile graced my features. "Daddy!" Amos exclaimed, hollering on over just as Ominis' arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer and placing a kiss behind my ear. "Hello love," he whispered, his free arm wrapping up Amos against his side and pulling him flush against him. "I've missed my family." He then voiced, releasing me and I continued to do the dishes, glancing over my shoulder to see Ominis crouched in front of Amos.

"How's your week been, have you been good to your mother?" Ominis questioned and I rolled my eyes. "Of course he has! He's been a darling dear." I responded and Amos nodded, waving his hand in front of Ominis' eyes. My gaze averted itself towards the clock hanging above the fireplace and I smiled. "Daddy's eyesight is gone for today, Amos, you'll have to help him get around the house." I added and Amos nodded, grabbing Ominis' hand and dragging him towards his toy corner.

We didn't have many toys for him, but the toys that he did have were invaluable to Amos. He absolutely loved his dolls which Ominis had fashioned him out of ordinary materials and also his maquette of Hogwarts was something he held dearly. Amos was very excited to be going to Hogwarts in four years and though I knew I'd miss him more than anything, I'd be happy to focus more on work and also, to find Sebastian.

Despite him being on the run and having given over full care to Ominis, I still wanted him to know of his son. Because after all, that's who Amos was.
And I could see it in his face, the familiar freckles, how his jawline was rounder than most children his age, his dark brown hair, his sense for adventure and how witty he already was for his age. Bar his eyes, which were emerald green like mine, he was the spitting image of Sebastian.

However, nobody dared to ask any questions and because nobody did, Amos didn't ask, either. But it was very visible that he was not Ominis' biological son. And whilst he might not have been Amos' father, he was certainly his dad. The person he could always lean on. I had been so lost in thought that I'd failed to notice the owl sat up on the pole. My eyes narrowed a little as I dried off my hands and headed on over towards the back door.