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It had been over four days since Sebastian and I had slept together. Ominis had returned to Hogwarts for faculty staff meetings after the Headmaster had located the mole. Professor Sharp had immediately been sent to Azkaban for putting the students at risk, meaning that there was an open positions as a Potions teacher. Myself being skilled with potions, I'd been thinking about taking Hogwarts up on the offer, though realising I would be leaving Sebastian at the risk of being caught and sent to Azkaban himself.

I didn't want for that to happen.

However, the fact that Sebastian and I were now cooked up in the cottage alone with Amos around, meant that there were a lot of awkward moments and touches. Most of the time though, Sebastian busied himself with telling Amos about his 'travels' and I wondered if my son had already noticed that he looked a lot like his 'uncle' Sebastian.

"That's it! You're getting it!" Sebastian exclaimed, watching an enthralled Amos as he'd been using Sebastian's wand to be taught 'Accio'. "Do not be getting lazy, Amos, you've still got legs to get up and collect things." I spoke from the kitchen, preparing dinner for the three of us. I was lost in thought, realising that I would have to tell Ominis about what happened no matter how much I dreaded it. More than anything, really.

But it had been stronger than myself, the need for intimacy and touch. Ominis hadn't been given it to me as of late apart from that one evening. And with emotions running high around Sebastian and his return, I wasn't sure how to handle myself around him very well. Perhaps it would have been best if he had never come to us. Then none of this would have happened.

I'd served the three of us dinner, though I hadn't been particularly hungry. Idly picking at my food and trying to stomach some of it, watching as Amos and Sebastian all but devoured their plates entirely. "Come on Amos, time for your bed." I mumbled under my breath as I pushed the chair back, breaking the conversation between him and Sebastian. It was still early and tomorrow was another field day for Amos with mister Ronen.

"Yes mummy. Goodnight uncle Sebastian!" He chimed before heading on up the stairs before me. As he got into his comfortable set of pyjamas, I looked at him with a fond smile. He truly was the most delightful child, the best a mother could ever wish for. "You have a big day ahead of you tomorrow, mister Ronen told me you were going to try and spot a Phoenix." I spoke excitedly and Amos' eyes lit up at the mention of the creature.

"Did you ever see a Phoenix, mummy?" He asked as I tucked him in for bed. "I did, in fact! I caught it to keep it safe in my vivarium, I'll take you there some time, when you're older." I responded, a small smile gracing my features. I'd been forced to move all of my animals in a vivarium I'd built myself far beyond our garden, in a secluded cave. And I'd always been wanting to take Amos there, knowing he'd adore seeing the beasts roam freely in the beautiful nature and safety of the vivarium.

"But now, time for bed." I whispered, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead before blowing out the candle and exiting the room. As I quietly closed the door, I was suddenly met with a familiar face and bare torso. My eyes wandered for a moment though, that's when I snapped out of my trance. "I'm sorry." I croaked before turning my back and starting to head towards the staircase. "Clara-" Sebastian began but I shook my head. "No, Sebastian. What happened it... It shouldn't have. I must tell Ominis." I responded quietly, motioning for him to keep quiet as well as I pointed at the door.

He grabbed one of Ominis' sweaters I had given him and hauled it over his head, following me down the stairs towards the living area. "Clara, don't jeopardise everything you have just for honesty." He voiced and I rolled my eyes. "You haven't changed one solemn bit, Sebastian. I have to tell him because I'll be doing what's right."