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It had been a couple of weeks now that Ominis and I had discovered that I was carrying his child and though I shouldn't be, I was thankful that Marvolo had figured it out because all symptoms were staying away and my cycle continued regardless.

And I knew now more than ever that I needed to protect my family, no matter what the cost. Even if it meant my own life. I would gladly give it all up for those whom I loved and I was sure that Ominis felt much the same as I did.

We'd been going about our day, much like the others. Having breakfast and chatting about Amos' week, about how the shop had been doing and about Ominis' week and events at Hogwarts. How I wished to see that school again, wander the castle and in my uniform. I was convinced that those years had been some of the best in my life. Especially in comparison to how careless we were and how little we had to worry about, despite the events surrounding us. They hadn't been personal, everything we had encountered thus far in our adult life, had been personal. And an attack on who we were as a person.

Ominis' arms snuck around my waist, his hands resting on my stomach. I had begun to show, although only a bit and I smiled as I leaned into his touch. "Ominis, I need to tend to our garden." I announced with a giggle to follow and he shook his head, cheekily pressing kisses along the back of my ear and my neck. "Hm, do you really?" He questioned, his thumbs rubbing back and forth onto my tummy. "Yes, I really, really do before the plants start to wither." I replied and he let out a feigned disappointed sigh.

I turned around in his arms, however and snuck my arms around his neck. "I love you," he whispered after a minute of standing like that. I closed my eyes and smiled up at him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. "And I love you, but I really need to be tending to the garden." I added and Ominis nodded before he cleared his throat. "I'll accompany Amos on his walk to Poppy's house. He was going to help her out around the house with Tish." Ominis responded and with that, I headed on out into the garden.
"Guess who," I heard being whispered into my ear as I was walking over to the greenhouse with a basket filled with delicious vegetables. My eyes were covered and my face broke into a wide smile when I turned around, the basket now tucked underneath my arm. "Hi," I voiced breathlessly as I noticed the familiar haze had disappeared from Ominis' eyes.

"We have to go and get Amos around five, he'll be cooking dinner along with Poppy." He voiced quietly and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear which had fallen from my braid. "Remind me that we will need to look after Tish as well." I responded and Ominis pressed a kiss to my forehead, which made me blush. I'd always appreciated and very much loved the small gestures he'd made towards me. They reminded me of just how much Ominis really loved me.

"Will do, say, could you please follow me into the greenhouse? Reminds me I have something for you." He spoke just above a murmur, taking my hand and leading me towards the greenhouse.
Once entered, I set the basket down on the floor, continuing to follow Ominis towards the back of the greenhouse where there was a small fountain with my flower garden. Quite positively my favourite place to spend time. It was absolutely perfect on a Wintery day or even in the mid of Summer.

He turned to face me, taking both of my hands in his. There was something in his eyes and I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but it was unlike anything I had ever seen before. His breathing turned shaky, seemingly nervous for some reason. "Clara Diggory," he started, then clearing his throat as he looked into my eyes with intent. "You know that, above all, you are my life. Everything I could have ever wished for in someone, I found in you," he continued and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The raw emotions that came to surface for the first time ever.

He'd shown it in his mannerisms, how he treated me, but never once did he voice them and I could feel tears pool in my eyes, knowing exactly what to be expecting in just a few moments. "Every single day of my life before knowing you, has been incomplete. Ever since I got to know you, that void had been filled. I cannot and refuse to be without you, if you aren't mine, then nobody else's. You know as much." He went on, and oh did I know. We'd made the unbreakable vow, something that would ensure sweet and imminent death if broken.