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What I had done had been beyond any understanding and moreover, Ominis' ability to forgive me, made me feel even more guilty than I currently was. I couldn't quite believe that he had been able to move past the fact that I had been with another man and not just any other man, but the one person I loved nearly as much as I loved Ominis. The biological father to my child.

It had been a week or three since I had told Ominis and in the meantime, I had told Sebastian to leave the cottage for now, until everything between me and Ominis was fully resolved. He understood and even more so, was pleased that Ominis forgave myself and him for our adultery. Luckily though, Ominis wasn't the person to to up and chat to people about the issues he was having, which in hindsight... Well, it was beneficial for others to not know what had happened. And more importantly, with whom it had happened with.

I'd surely be judged on it, Poppy had after I had told her during one of our leisurely strolls along the Hogwarts grounds. Her and Amit had welcomed a son as well not too long ago and I was happy that they were doing to well. Amit had begun researching and dabbling more in astrology, embarking on travels all across the world. It often left Poppy alone and her and I had begun to meet up more frequently again.

We were currently sat by the water's edge, in her arms their darling son whom already looked a lot like his father. "I'm so pleased everything is going so well for you two." I voiced, a fond look on my face as I continued to tease little Tish with his toy. He was cutely reaching out for it from where he'd been laying in Poppy's arms. I'd taken the liberty of having Amos tagging along and he was throwing rocks into the water, something I'd often done with Sebastian and Ominis whenever we wanted to take our mind off of things.

At my words, however, Poppy smiled fondly, pressing a kiss to her son's forehead. "Amit has been great at being a father, he was so panicked when I went into labour, but after that, it really has been a breeze." She responded, looking back at me and then at Amos, whom had found a particularly beautifully coloured rock and brought it over to us. "For you, mummy," he chimed and I smiled as I took the almost golden, though sunset orange rock, playing with it in my hands. "Thank you, dearest." I responded, my lips pursed in a smile before I canted my head, gazing after him as he returned to the edge of the Black Lake.

"The resemblance with Sebastian is... Striking." Poppy then began again and I nodded, swallowing harshly. "I know, he looks exactly like him. Bar his eyes." I responded and she nodded, looking down at her son before her gaze fixated back on me. "I should get going, Amit was returning from his trip to the south of England today or tomorrow, I should be there for him." She announced and I nodded, watching her carefully get onto her feet and laying Tish in the pram. "Give my best to Ominis!" She added and I smiled. "And ours to Amit!"
After Amos and I had returned home, a content smile had settled itself onto my features, seeing Ominis sat there by the kitchen table and Amos running straight up to him to sit in his lap. It was Friday and I was always happy that Ominis returned home for the end of the week. "Hello, how has your week been?" He questioned and I shrugged, shaking my head. "Nothing special, sold some items to nomadic wizards and witches, but that was about it."

At that, Ominis only nodded with Amos sat in his lap still, whom had taken over the conversation and had begun to speak of Amit's and Poppy's son, Tish. How adorable he was, how much he resembled Amit, ... And he was right, to be fair. The baby was a copy of Amit if I'd ever seen one. I just prayed that he wouldn't be as cowardly as his father had been during our outing to the goblin mine.

To be fair, it's not like I had much to talk about. Every single quest I'd been on with Sebastian had quite easily... And that's when I felt a pang to my chest. I swallowed harshly, remembering what had been going on with Sebastian and the pained look on his face when I told him that I had informed Ominis about us. And the even more pained expression when I told him about the unbreakable vow Ominis had sworn to one another, how it would end my life should I not be able to uphold my end of the deal.