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*** First of all, apologies for the AI Sebastian art, but I'm 'obsessed' with how he looks at 25.

After Ominis had left, I wasn't sure just how serious the warning could be. Despite it all, Sebastian was still someone whom loved me and I cared for deeply, or at least that's what I expected. He wouldn't come to harm me or Amos or at least, he would know better than to do so. Should he lay a finger on my son, I'd be the one to personally escort him to Azkaban.

But I'd seen the worry in Ominis' eyes and I knew that he wasn't even remotely jesting. Perhaps there had been more developments on Sebastian and his whereabouts which had been shared with the professors of the school. Something I wasn't. Nor did I aspire to become. It would, however, mean safety. It would mean that Amos would be residing with us in the faculty tower until he was old enough to attend the school.

Though today, he had his weekly scheduled lesson with Professor Ronen whom had come to live in one of the houses near the square of Aranshire after his retirement from Hogwarts. Amos always looked forward to his field day with my old professor and I knew that he was in more than capable hands. Ominis and I wanted to give him a strong and solid foundation when it came to his charms and herbology knowledge so that he would have a good start of his academical career.

"Amos, it's time!" I called up the stairs, presuming that's where he was after having finished his breakfast. Though, no voice called out back to me and I furrowed my brows. "Amos, there really isn't any time to play hide-and-seek right now, mister Ronen is waiting for you!" I called out again but, no answer. I was growing a bit worried now, this was everything unlike him.

As I headed on up the stairs, I could feel a certain dread overcome me. It was hard to explain, but I just knew that something was wrong. And so when I turned into Amos' room, I didn't see him, but his room did overlook our garden and that's when I saw both of them. Amos and Sebastian standing across from one another.

At first, my breathing hitched in my throat and I wanted to scream, but I saw Sebastian crouch down to his knees with an emotion in his face I had only seen once before. The first time he'd told me that he loved me.

My palms were sweaty as I witnessed Amos stepping closer to Sebastian, deciding that now was the time for me to head down the stairs. And so I did, as fast as my feet could carry me, I crossed our downstairs living area, opening the door and stepping outside. The morning sun warming up my sheerly dressed body, wearing nothing but a sundress and walking around barefooted.

The brown soil engulfed my feet but naturally, as a Hufflepuff, I didn't care but welcomed the feeling. Sebastian didn't look at all like how he'd been described; The same youthfulness could be seen in his face, the same cheeky smile was plastered on his lips but his time on the run had taken its toll on him. "Hello Clara," he muttered, his rich chocolate eyes darting to me and he remained crouched, as if to show he was not a threat to us.

My arm enveloped itself around Amos' shoulders as I pulled him against me, my son's hand resting on my stomach as he gazed up at me. "Mummy, is this uncle Sebastian daddy told me about?" He questioned and I let out a shaky breath, nodding before looking down at my son. "Yes- Yes, he is your uncle, dear. C-Could you do mummy a favour a-and go inside? We'll be right there." And with that, Amos let me go to head indoors.

Sebastian's gaze diverted to Amos as he walked towards the cottage and I swallowed harshly, my arms at my side though then realising my wand was still inside of our home. His hands went up in defence, a cautious look on his face as he looked straight at me. "I'm not here to cause trouble, Clara. I just... Wanted to see you. And him." Sebastian began, his eyes darting towards the ground for a moment. "And maybe for something to eat."