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The ball had been the most nerve wrecking social event I had ever encountered bar the Champion's ball and it seemed to be set in stone that there was not one enjoyable ball for me. Ever. The Gaunts had done an exceptional job as far as catering, music and decoration went though the company to keep and general ambience could be greatly improved.

Ominis and I were walking along the garden, the various fountains with serpent ornaments were eery and crept me out just a little bit. "You can see they were all Slytherin students," I muttered under my breath as Ominis held my hand, to my comment he barked out a laugh. "Well, house pride, I presume." He then responded with a shrug before he halted and twirled me around. My dress elegantly twirling all around me and the periwinkle colour enhanced in the now moonlight. "I'd say we did an excellent job at surviving this hellish event." I spoke proudly and Ominis nodded at that. "We did indeed."

However, I was troubled by the fact that an hour of his eyesight seemed to have vanished and I couldn't help but frown a bit. Ominis, on the other hand, had begun to lead me back inside, across the foyer and up the grand marble staircase. Various hallways and doors later, we arrived at a deep green painted wooden door and I looked at him, having him tuck his wand away. "This was my room." He spoke shakily, his tone just above a whisper and I could see his hand reaching out for the knob, pushing the door open and I was met with the smell of cedar wood and pine. A dominant smell across the whole mansion.

It was positively beautiful, the grand windows which reached from the floor all the way up to the ceiling and the dark green duvet and pillows. A grand fireplace by the far wall and a large photograph of a young and stern Ominis hung above it. "Ominis, you were so adorable." I whispered as I walked on over closer to the photograph. As I looked over at him, his lips were pursed in a tight line and his brows had formed into a small frown. "That was after I returned from Hogwarts during my third year, for the Winter holidays," he mumbled, seemingly recalling the event all too well. My arms snuck around his waist, my head resting against his shoulder. "My brother Marvolo had struck me with the Cruciatus curse as soon as I walked through the door. Said I needed to look sorrowful for the picture."

And I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They had used Crucio on him just for a picture. "Ominis, I... I'm so sorry." I muttered, my eyes filling themselves with tears and he turned towards me, gathering me up in his arms before gently pressing his lips against mine. For a moment there, I relished that kiss, feeling how his fingertips were sliding along my exposed neckline and pushing my hair back over my shoulder. His lips then slid towards my neck, teeth grazing along the surface and his hands flattened against the small of my back. A gasp escaped me as my head fell back, eyes closing and feeling my hands become a tad sweaty.

An applause sounded from behind Ominis and he pulled away instantly. I righted myself and looked at the figure standing there, leaning nonchalantly against the doorpost. "Well done, little brother," the man voiced and I swallowed as I looked at Ominis again, whose teeth were clenching. "Marvolo." He greeted firmly, though not turning around to face him.

The man then pushed himself away from the doorpost and immediately came over to me, taking my hand and pulling me out of Ominis' grasp. Twirling me around as his eyes hungrily raked across my body and dress. "Tad bit revealing, if you ask me. But I wouldn't expect more from someone like you," he then voiced and I could see a wand pressed up against Marvolo's neck at that comment.

"Let her go." Ominis nearly barked and my eyes shot towards him. "Or so help me, I will have to rekindle my relationship with the dark arts." He added, his tone of voice strikingly dominant and to be fair, even I was frightened by Ominis' sudden change in mood. But not Marvolo, whom on the contrary, only drew out his wand and pushed me aside, causing me to fall onto the four post bed which stood nearly center in the room. "You wouldn't dare. Never quite could muster enough courage to cast anything related to the dark arts, little brother." He nearly spat and I could see Ominis drawing his wand back.