Stomach flu (louis) Part 1

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Niall was woken at up by loud retching coming from the bathroom. He checked his clock, it had just gone 3AM. He sluggishly dragged himself out of bed and made his way over to the bathroom. He saw Louis hunched over in front of the toilet.
Niall moved closer and sat down next to louis and started rubbing his back.
Niall: it's okay louis, let it out.
Louis: N..Niall?
Niall: yes that's me. I'm here.
Louis: I..I'm sorry
Niall: shhh. Don't be sorry, you can't help feeling sick. How long have you been feeling sick for?
Louis: since yesterday
Niall: why didn't you say anything?
Louis: I didn't want to be a burden.
Niall: louis, your never a burden to us, okay? You can't help getting sick
Louis was done throwing up and his body fell back on Niall's lap.
Niall: do you want to go back to bed?
Louis: I.. I don't know. I think I might be sick again.
Niall: it's okay, it will be more comfortable than laying on the bathroom floor, I can get you a bucket incase you do throw up again?
Louis: *sniffs* okay.
Niall helped louis' weak shaky body up from the floor and helped him back to bed carrying most of his body weight. Niall got louis a bucket, some water and stomach relaxes to ease his stomach
Niall: There's a bucket incase you feel like you might throw up again
Louis: *sniffs* T..thankyou
Niall: now try get some sleep, wake me up if you need anything
Louis eventually falls, so Niall get back into his bed to sleep

The next morning, Niall woke up to Harry, Zayn and Liam talking loudly in the kitchen which sounded like they were messing around again, no suprise there.
Niall got out of his bed and made his way to the kitchen.
Harry: Morning Niall!
Niall: Shhhh, keep your voices down!
Zayn: why? What's going on?
Niall: Louis is sick and he's still sleeping.
Liam: shit, what's wrong with him *daddy direction mode*
Niall: By the looks of things he's got the stomach flu, he's been complaining of a stomach ache and I woke up to him throwing up in the middle of the night
Harry: Shit, do you want me to do anything to help?
Niall: no thanks, I think we're all good for now. I just hope he gets better soon
Zayn: poor little guy
Liam: let us know if you need any help
Niall: thanks guys, appreciate it

Louis woke up to the Loud voices which sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. He tried to get back to sleep but couldn't stop tossing and turning.  He decided to get out of bed and go downstairs to the others
Liam: Morning Lou, how you feeling?
Louis: like shit
Harry: poor lad, feel better soon Lou!
Zayn: do you want to try eat something?
Louis: no thanks
Louis stomach turned just at the thought of food. All of a sudden louis felt nauseous again and was afraid he might throw up.
Louis: N..Niall...
Niall: what's up lou

Niall looked up at louis pale, slightly green painted face.

Louis: I feel like imma throw up...
Niall: okay let's get you to the sink..

Niall guided louis to the kitchen sink fearing whether he would make it to the bathroom or not.  Louis started gagging and after 5 minutes he brought up more of his dinner from last night. After 15 minutes louis was finished throwing up.
Niall: you okay bud? You all done?
Louis: I..I think so
Niall: okay, how about we get you back to bed, yeah?
*louis nodded in agreement*

Niall guides louis back to his bed carrying most of his body weight.

Niall: you okay lou
Louis: M..My stomach hurts and I still feel nauseous
Niall: are you gonna throw up??
Louis: I don't think so...
Niall: okay, shout me if you feel any worse, there's a bucket by your bed just incase
Louis: T..Thankyou
Niall: it's okay, try get some rest now

Louis woke up at 5pm feeling a little better but still a little nauseous. He decided he wanted to try eat something to see if he would feel any better

Niall: hey sleepy head, how you feeling
Louis: I actually feel a bit better
Liam: do you want to try eat some toast or something
Louis: Sure I can give it a go!

Liam went into the kitchen and make louis some toast, 5 minutes later he bought 2 slices of buttered toast on a plate and handed it to louis

Louis: thanks Liam
Liam: no problem, eat as much as you can

Louis slowly made his way through the 2 slices of toast until he finished it all.

Liam: how do you feel louis?
Louis: I'm feeling a lot better

Louis and Niall cuddled for a while, they both eventually fell asleep on the couch until morning. The next morning Louis was back to his old playful and cheery self, although they couldn't say the same for Niall though.....

(I hope you guys liked it, this is my first ever fanfic so pls no judgement on it)❤️‍🩹☺️

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