Just Carsick? (Niall)

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I woke up with a strange feeling in my stomach, i looked around the room and realised everyone was still asleep. That's strange. I peaked outside my window and realised it was still pitch-black outside. I checked my phone and it was 4am. What was I doing up at this hour? I questioned myself.  I buried my head in my pillows and tried to fall asleep, I must have fallen asleep because before I knew it Liam's 7am alarm went off.

*time skip*

"Ni..Ni?" I head a thick Doncaster accent say while shaking me.
"Mmm... what?" I replied with my head buried in my pillows
"Time to wake up bud, we have an interview in an hour" Louis said
"Ugh.. alright... I'm getting up" I replied forcing myself up and out of bed
I made my way to the kitchen where all the lads were. Harry was making breakfast. Eggs...bacon... toast... all the stuff I like but my stomach is telling me to avoid it... usually I'm hungry when I wake up.. but I wasn't hungry, instead I started to feel sick to my stomach.
"Morning Ni" I head Liam say
"Mhm... Morning" I replied, not really with it
"Everything okay Ni?" Harry questioned me
"Mhm, all good" I replied back
We all sat down for breakfast, instead of eating I just moved the food around my plate to make it look like I've eaten something.
"Ni? What's wrong mate?" I heard Zayn ask me
"Nothing.. just not hungry" I said
Once breakfast was finished we all went to get ready, I was in my room getting dressed when suddenly my stomach lurched. I ran to the bathroom and kneeled in front of the toilet. I turned the tap on so that no one could hear. In the matter of seconds I vomited into the toilet. Once I was finished I flushed the toilet and went down to the others. We all piled in the car. With Liam in the drivers seat, Harry in the passengers seat and I was squished in the middle of Zayn and Louis in the back seats. I knew already someone was going to find out I was sick soon enough, there's no way I'd be able to last the trip without a vomiting incident.

We're 20 minutes into the trip and I could already feel my stomach lurch.
"Ni? You okay?" I head the bradford boy ask me
"Mhm" I replied, scared to open my mouth
"You sure Ni? You don't look good." The Doncaster lad asked me
"M'good, just a little carsick" I replied sadly
"Ni, you sure it's just carsickness? You've been acting weird all morning" Zayn asked me with a hand on my shoulder
"M'sure" I replied
"All good back there?" Liam asked from the drivers seat
"Yeah" I lied

All of a sudden my stomach lurched again as the car went over a bump, causing me to slap a hand over my mouth and gag. I think Louis got the message as his eyes shot my direction.

"Shit" I head Zayn curse
"Liam! Pull over now!" Louis panicked
"I need to find a safe spot first!" Liam replied looking into the mirror at the back
"Liam! He's going to be sick!" Zayn shouted

Unfortunately Liam wasn't quick enough to find a safe spot, soon enough I gagged again causing vomit to stream out of my mouth, covering my hand and my front

"Shit!" Zayn cursed
"Shit. Liam, he's been sick!" Harry said looking back at me
"Fuck, okay one moment" liam said sounding panicked
"Z...?" I said
"What's wrong??" Zayn said looking at me
"I think I'm gonna be sick again" I replied sadly
"Fuck, liam he's gonna be sick again!" Zayn shouted

Liam quickly found a safe place to stop to let me out intime before more of my stomach contents appeared.

"Ni? You okay?" Zayn asked rubbing my back
"I...I.. think so" I replied spitting onto the ground
"Okay, be honest was it just car sickness?" Liam questioned
"Ni?" Louis said
"N..no. I threw up this morning when I woke up.." I replied beginning to cry
"Oh Ni... you should've said something" Harry said while hugging me
"I'm gonna call management" Louis replied

Louis went to call management to tell them of my condition while liam cleaned my vomit out of the car.

"Okay, good news" Louis came back looking happy
"What??" Liam questioned
"Management was feeling generous and gave us the rest of the week off for Niall to recover" Louis said
"Thank god!" Zayn shouted
"Okay, let's go back to the hotel then"

We all piled back into the car, liam gave me a couple of brown puke bags just incase I needed to use them

"Lou..." I whimpered
"What's up?" Louis replied looking into my eyes
"I...I feel sick again" I said with tears down my cheeks
"It's okay ni, use the bag if you have to" Louis said holding the bag up to my chin

In the matter of seconds I vomited into the brown back that Louis held out for me, luckily that was the only time I needed to use the back.  20 minutes later we arrived at the hotel. At this point I felt too weak to walk so Louis picked me up and carried me to the elevator to get to our room as he knew I wouldn't be able to handle the stairs.

"I think I'm gonna puke again!" I blurted out in a panic
"Shit.. can you hold it ni?" Zayn said in a panic
"I..I don't know" I managed to get out before a gag came along

Luckily Liam thought ahead of us, he had a brown sick back in his pocket just incase This happened, he pased it to louis who held it under my chin.

"Shhh, it's okay ni let it out" louis said while rubbing my back.
"I...it hurts lou..." I managed to get out before vomiting into the Bag

When I stopped vomiting we stepped out of the elevator, louis picked me up and carried me to our room. Liam unlocked the room and louis placed me on my bed.

"Let's get some medicine into you" Liam said walking towards me with pills and water

Liam handed me the pills and I took them with the water. Hopefully they will relax my stomach. I fell asleep almost instantly.  I managed to sleep
Until midnight when I woke up with a jolt to my stomach, I immediately leaped out of bed and started heading towards the bathroom. I reached the bathroom and kneeled in front of the toilet and was gagging harshly until I brought up a small amount of vomit and bile. I felt a cold hand on my back, it was Louis

"Think your done Ni?" Louis asked me whilst rubbing my back
"I..I don't know.. I still feel sick" I whimpered
"Shhh. It's okay, let's get you back to bed and I'll get you a bowl" Louis replied helping me up from the cold bathroom floor

Louis carried me back to bed and set a bowl down next to me. I instantly fell asleep and managed to sleep through the night without any vomiting incidents.  When I woke up I started to feel much better, maybe it was just a 24 hour bug. Because for sure, I don't feel nauseous anymore.
It did only turn out to be a 24 hour bug... it took 3 more days with plants of rest and cuddles before I was back to myself
Sorry for the bad ending😂 I'm not very good with ending stories😂😭

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