Carsick- Louis

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(Louis POV)
"Lou? You okay?" I heard a thick Irish accent say
I could feel my stomach lurch and sloshing about with ever bump we went over. I never get carsick so I was confused why I suddenly started to.
"Lou? You okay back there?" I heard Liam's voice ask me
Suddenly I blurted out "Pull over! NOW!"
Liam put his foot down and found a safe place to stop, Niall helped me unbuckle my seatbelt, I climbed over a sleeping Harry and bent over the grass and covered it in my vomit and bile
"You all finished Lou?" Liam said sympathetically
"I..I.. think so" I said spitting onto the ground
"Ready to get back into the car?" Niall asked me sympathetically
"I..I don't know Ni.. I think I might be sick again" I replied with tears down my face
"Come on Lou, you've got nothing left mate" Liam said rubbing my back "I'll get you a bag just incase"
"O..okay" I said wiping tears from my cheeks
We all pile back into the car and continue our journey, I feel my stomach rising into my throat again
"Ni..." I whimpered
"What's up Lou" the Irish lad replied
"I...I feel sick again" I replied beginning to cry
"Shhh... it's okay. Use the bag if you need to" Niall said holding the bag under my chin
I did end up using the bag, 3 times my stomach appeared into the plastic shopping bag.
"Everything okay back there" I head Harry say
"Lou's being sick again" Niall replied on my behalf
"Wait...Lou's sick?" Harry asked confused
"Yea, we had to stop for him to throw up while you was snoring your head off" Liam Chuckled
"Shit... here's some water Lou" Harry said kindly handing me a bottle with a smile
"Do I need to stop again?" Liam asked with a worried look
"No I think I'm done now" Louis said sipping his water

Luckily we made it to our destination without anymore vomiting incidents... and Louis was back to his sassy self
Sorry for the bad and short writing😂 tried my best with it!

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