Zayn sick

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Requested by Percyjacksonfan246

Zayn's POV

Were currently cramped on our tiny tour bus driving to one of our many interviews of the day.

I woke up this morning feeling slightly sick to my stomach, not too bad right? so I thought anyway...

We arrived to the studio where the interview is taking place. By the time we all got out of the bus and ready for the interview, I was feeling 10x worse. My stomach kept cramping, My nausea was growing and now I had a pounding headache. Great, just great I thought. Of course I get sick on one of the most busiest days. Maybe the right thing to do was to let someone know? just in case I have to leave the interview suddenly. I walk over to talk to louis.

"Hey Zayn"


"You okay z?"

"Not really"

"whats up?"

"I don't feel very well lou"

"oh z, what wrong" louis asks checking for a temperature

"I feel really sick Lou... My head is pounding and I have a killer stomach ache"

"Oh z... I don't think you would be able to get out of the interview... but let me know if you feel worse yeah?

"okay lou"

*time skip to the interview*




"Hello boys! how are we all today? asked the interviewer

"Good thankyou!" they all said accept from Zayn

Louis' POV

Were almost finished with the interview and I notice Zayn looking uncomfortable, hes squirming uncomfortably in his seat whilst rubbing his stomach.

"Zayn? you okay? I whisper to him

He just shakes his head in response

"You gonna be sick?"

He slowly nods his head

"Im sorry but can we take a bit of a break please? its a bit hot in here"

"yes ofcourse Louis" the interviewer said kindly

We all stand up and exit the room. Zayn bolts towards the bathroom with me following behind. As I walk in the bathroom I hear retching in one of the cubicles and an awful smell.

"zayn? can I come in?"

"No Lou..."

"why not?"

"this is embarrassing.."

"zayn, don't be embarrassed... your sick, its not your fault. please let me in"

"fine, hold on"

Zayn unlocks the cubical door to let me in, I see a very pale, half dead looking zayn sitting on the floor infront of the toilet.

"Oh z... its okay buddy, you done throwing up?

"I... I think so"

"wanna get out of here?"

"yes please lou being in here is making me feel worse"

"come on then"

As zayn and I exit the toilets, I see 3 confused boys staring at us

"what took you so long? Niall asked

"Zayn just threw up"

"Oh z, im sorry your sick" Harry said

"Have you checked for a fever? Has he had any medicine? Did you give him any water?" Liam listed turning into daddy direction

"Yes liam, I have."

"okay, lets get the sick boy home" Niall said

"W... What about the other interviews" zayn asked

"I spoke to paul before the interview, as soon as you told me you weren't feeling well" i said

"thanks Lou" zayn replied

"Now lets get you back to the bus"



As soon as we got back to the bus, I sent zayn straight back to bed. After 2 days of rest and cuddles from the boys, he was back to full health.




So there it is, as requested! I hope you like it! im sorry if its not my best work but im trying to get better at writing!!

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