When sickness hits... (part 2)

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Louis POV
"Awh how cute" I heard a voice say
"Quick get a photo" I heard another voice say
"This is going straight on twitter" I heard a third voice say
My eyes fluttered open, I looked around to see the other 3 boys crowding the bed. I looked down to see Niall sleeping with my arm under him restricting my movement
"Why are you in Niall's bed Lou?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow
"He's sick" I whispered back to him
"Awh poor Niall, what's up with him?" Zayn asked
"I recon he's got the stomach flu, he woke me up early hours this morning saying he felt sick and the next thing I know he's throwing up in the bathroom" I replied
"Awh poor thing, have you taken his temperature? Has he been drinking? Has he had any medicine?" Liam questioned turning into daddy direction
"Yes Liam I have him medicine, I will check his temperature when he wakes up" I replied rolling my eyes
"You okay Zayn? Your a bit quiet" I asked concerned
"Uh yeah I'm good" Zayn replied rubbing the back of his neck
"If your sure?" I asked him
"Yes Lou I'm sure" he replied walking away from me
Niall was beginning to squirm in his sleep, all of a sudden he gagged and retched and threw up all over me and the bed. That didn't even wake him up, now I'm gonna have to wake the poor boy up to clean this up.
"Hey... Ni" I shook him gently
"Mhm" he mumbled
"You gotta get up buddy, you threw up all over the bed" I said in a soft voice
"Wha—" he managed to get out before he burst out In tears
"What's goi—". Liam said before looking at the mess
"Oh ni... I'm sorry your so sick, come on let's get you up" Liam said offering a hand to him
"Cant" Niall replied with his eyes closed
"Why not love?" Louis asked running his hand through his hair
"If I move I feel like I'm going to be sick again or pass out" he said
"It's okay ni, Liam and I will help you" I said trying to calm him
"I feel so dizzy Lou" Niall cried
"Shhh it's okay" I said helping the sick boy up.
Liam's POV
Louis and I both helped the sick boy up and practically carried him into the bathroom, I figured he wouldn't be able to hold himself up in the shower so I ran him a bath instead. While I was bathing Niall, Louis was changing the bed sheets and getting Niall some clean clothes.
Once Niall was all cleaned up, I helped him get dressed and carried him to his bed.
"Lou, I've got it here if you want to go get cleaned up" I offered
"Are you sure li?" Louis asked
"Yes, yes. Now go shower" I said shooing him away
Louis' POV
I went to go shower and get changed as Niall threw up all over me. Once I was done I got dressed into some clean clothes and went back to the bunks, as I walked in I saw Niall already sound asleep, hearing light snores.
"All good now?" Liam asked
I just nodded in response.
Zayn's POV
I was laying on the couch with Harry, I felt my headache becoming Increasingly painful. I began to feel the nausea growing inside of me. I really couldn't believe I was getting sick, I don't want to say anything but I don't want to be alone if I start throwing up. I decided it would probably be better to say something.
"Haz?" I whimpered
"You okay love?" Harry asked looking down into my eyes
"Uhm—" I managed to get out before I burst out crying
"Oh Zayn, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Harry asked bringing me into a big hug
"I don't feel very well Harry" I whined making me cry even more
"Oh baby, what feels bad?" Harry asked before kissing my forehead
"M...My head really hurts...A...And I...I...feel sick!" I sobbed
"Oh Zayn, I knew you was sick by the way you've been acting all morning, why didn't you say anything?" Harry asked confused
"I thought it would go away" I cried even more and louder
"Zayn?" Louis asked walking down the stairs
"What's wrong Zayn?" Liam asked crouching In front of me and looking at Harry for answers
"He's feeling poorly" Harry replied for me
"Oh no... you feel like you are getting a fever" Liam replied feeling my forehead
Harry's POV
I could tell Zayn wasn't feeling well at all, he was all sweaty, and shaking at the same time. Suddenly I feel his body tense up and his eyes widen. I quickly catch on to what's happening and am quick to react.
"Someone bring a bucket quick!!" I yelled loud enough for them to hear.
Seconds later louis brings in a bucket and holds it under Zayn's chin, moments later he's harshly retching into it. I feel bad for the poor boy, I really do.
"That's it zayn, your doing good" I reassured
"Get it all up buddy" louis added
Zayn retched s few more times bringing up the last bit of what he had left inside his stomach. After a while he just pushed the bucket away and fell back into my arms with his eyes closed. Louis took the bucket to clean out. When I looked back down at him, he was already out.
Liam's POV
I go back upstairs go check on Niall, when I walked in the bedroom he was sitting up in his bed clinging onto the bucket with all his strength.
"Did you throw up again Ni?" I asked softly walking closer to him
"N..No... I feel really sick Liam. I can't throw up. I don't want to throw up" he began to cry
The poor boy was terrified of anything to do with getting sick or throwing up, especially if it was himself experiencing it.
"Li—" he managed to say before hiccuping then retching into the bucket
"Nooooo Liam, I don't want to" he whined
"Shhhh, ni it's okay. You'll feel better after you let it out" I said softly while rubbing his back.
Eventually the boy started vomiting into the bucket, surprisingly my own stomach turned to the sound of vomiting, I gagged a bit in my hand thinking Niall wouldn't notice but I was wrong.
"Li?" Niall looked me in the eye concerned.
"Yes love?" I responded
"Are you okay?" He asked me
"Yes Ofc love. Why wouldn't I be?" I responded
"You was gagging Liam, are you feeling okay? You do look a bit pale" Niall said moving his hand to my forehead "and feel warm"
"Ni, I'm fi—" I managed to get out before I gagged again. This time there was no holding back before I was bolting to the toilet. I slammed the door shut and crashed to my knees before expelling my stomach contents into the toilet.
'Well this is just great' I thought to myself
I heard the door creek open, I was to scared to lift my head incase another wave of vomiting came.
"L..Liam?" I herd an Irish accent say
"Niall! You should be in bed, you sick" i said
"But your sick..." Niall said
"So are you Niall, go back to bed and rest" i Instructed
"Fine but I'm getting Louis" he replied
Nialls POV
I slowly moved down the stairs trying not to fall, I walked into the living room where Louis and Harry were watching TV and Zayn was asleep on Harry's shoulder, he had a blanket over him and a bucket on the floor by him.
"Ni?" Louis looked confused "what are you doing down here?
"Uhhh, there's a problem..." i said
"Did you throw up again?" Harry asked
"N...No I didn't. It's Liam, he's sick" I replied
"Oh no... another one down" louis sighed as he got up "where is he?"
"He's in the bathroom. he's throwing up" I replied
"Okay Ni, do you want to lay down on the couch with harry and Zayn?" Louis asked me
I just nodded in response
"Okay. Lay down and I will go see to Liam" he said
Louis POV
I walked up the stairs into the bathroom, I slowly peeked open the door and slipped through. I saw Liam slumped in front of the toilet with his head on the seat.
"Hey Liam" I said softly crouching down
"M'fine lou" he replied not even bothering to open his eyes
"Liam, Niall told me you threw up" I said sympathetically
Liam just nodded embarrassed
"Do you feel like your going to throw up anymore?" I asked him
"Not at the minute" he replied
"Okay, let's get you back to bed li" I said helping him up
I walked Liam back to his bunk and tucked him in his bed. before he fell asleep, I got him some pills for his stomach and a glass of water to wash them down with. Liam took the pills then layed down already falling asleep. I did for him as I did for Niall, I set up a bucket just in case and I layed down some towels. In no time Liam was already asleep, I quietly left the room shutting the door behind me.
And here is Part 2! Lmk if you like it.
Part 3 coming tomorrow!

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